
  • 网络landfill
  1. 生活垃圾堆填区周边土壤的性状变化及其污染状况

    The quality variation of the soil nearby municipal waste landfill and its contamination situation

  2. 生活垃圾堆填区周边农田土壤中多环芳烃的污染特征

    Pollution characteristics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils from farmland around the domestic refuse dump

  3. 生活垃圾渗滤液对堆填区周边土壤铵态氮吸附能力的影响

    Effects of Leachate on Ammonia - Nitrogen Adsorption Ability in Soil Nearby a Municipal Waste Landfill

  4. 香港环境运输及工务局局长廖秀冬(SarahLiao)最近警告说,如果不采取果断而迅速的措施来减少垃圾,香港三大垃圾堆填区最短可能在4年内就会饱和。

    Sarah Liao , the territory 's secretary for the environment , transport and works , recently warned that , in the absence of decisive and immediate measures to reduce waste , the three landfills could be filled in as little as four years .