
  • 网络Grunge;Grunge Rock
  1. 垃圾摇滚将世界带进了一个更为叛逆的时期。

    Grunge brought a morerebellious state to the world .

  2. 细细的眉毛、烟熏眼妆、唇线又重新流行起来,垃圾摇滚和哥特文化也兴盛一时。

    Thin eyebrows , smoky eyes and lip liner were once again the order of the day while grunge and goth culture also had their moment

  3. 说到垃圾摇滚,就不能不提涅盘乐队。

    You can 't think of grunge without remembering Nirvana .

  4. 在流行组合/男孩乐团大为风行的同时,另一方面,垃圾摇滚也开始在音乐舞台上崭露头角。

    On the opposite side of the pop / boy band music scene came thegrunge scene .

  5. 垃圾摇滚在流行组合/男孩乐团大为风行的同时,另一方面,垃圾摇滚也开始在音乐舞台上崭露头角。

    On the opposite side of the pop / boy band music scene came the grunge scene .

  6. 涅盘乐队曾经一度蜚声乐坛,不但接二连三地推出轰动一时的作品,而且成功引领“垃圾摇滚”渗入主流乐坛。然而,这支乐队终归是昙花一现。

    The band had a very short but extremely successful run in the music industry , producing hit after hit and penetrating the mainstream to introduce the grunge sound .