
  • 网络junk science
  1. 如何防止虚假错误的鉴定结论和垃圾科学走入法庭,保障鉴定结论在我国司法活动中发挥应有的作用,是我国诉讼立法和实践都应当直面的问题。

    How to prevent false conclusions and erroneous identification of " junk science " from court to protect the expert conclusion of judicial activities in China to play its due role is legislation and practices of litigation should confront .

  2. 对村镇生活垃圾进行科学的管理和治理,减少对村镇生态环境的破坏,使得村镇经济、社会和环境协调发展,已经刻不容缓。

    Inorder to reduce the destruction of ecological environment and makes the village economy , society and environment harmonious development , it is necessary and urgent to manage and treat the domestic waste scientifically .

  3. 对付Web上的垃圾信息,科学的技术和技巧很重要。

    There is a great deal to the art and science of fighting spam on the Web .

  4. 垃圾复合肥的科学应用方法研究

    Study on the Scientific Way to Use Waste Compound Fertilizer

  5. 新世纪的中国发展必须符合科学发展观,运用循环经济理念治理电子垃圾正是对科学发展观的具体实践。

    In the new century , China 's development should match the idea of Scientific Developing .

  6. 为防止同类事故的发生,很有必要对存在安全隐患的简易垃圾填埋场进行科学的安全分析与评价进而采取合理的安全防范措施。

    In order to prevent the same event , there is necessity to get to scientific analysis and assessment , then adopt reasonable safety measure .

  7. 根据对海上塑料垃圾问题的首次科学评估,全球每年流入海洋的塑料垃圾达到令人震惊的800万吨,相当于全球每英尺海岸线都流入5只塞满塑料的食品袋。

    A staggering 8m tonnes of plastic waste are entering the world 's oceans every year , or the equivalent to five grocery bags filled with plastic for every foot of coastline in the world , according to the first scientific assessment of the problem .

  8. 城市生活垃圾治理是城市社会经济发展总体规划中的一项重要内容,对垃圾进行科学的治理,对于保护城市环境,促进区域社会经济的可持续发展有着十分重要的作用。

    Municipal solid waste ( MSW ) management is an important content of social economy development general planning . Scientific and reasonable MSW management is very important for protecting city environment and promoting sustainable development of social economy .

  9. 在分析我国城市生活垃圾处理现状的基础上,针对目前生活垃圾处理方式中存在的问题,提出应结合城市生活垃圾处理方式,对生活垃圾进行科学分类,并论述了分类原则和分类方法。

    On the basis of the analysis on the current situation of urban residential refuse disposal of our country , the classification principle and method are discussed .