
  • 网络PhD in Engineering;doctor of engineering
  1. 高飞拥有电气和计算机工程博士学位。

    Goffer holds a doctorate in electrical and computer engineering .

  2. 约40%的美国科学和工程博士学位由移民获取。

    Some 40 % of American PhDs in science and engineering go to immigrants .

  3. 他在2006年于加州大学河滨分校获机械工程博士学位。

    He received his Ph.D.degree in mechanical engineering from the University of California at Riverside in2006 .

  4. 1987年在加拿大渥太华大学获机械工程博士学位。

    Xia Yingqi received a doctor degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Ottawa , Canada , in1987 .

  5. 去年他获美国宾州里海大学高分子化学工程博士学位。

    Last year he received a doctor 's degree in high-polymer chemical engineering from Lehigh University in Pennsylvania .

  6. 1996年在美国麻省理工学院获生化工程博士学位。

    Xie Liangzhi received a doctor degree in Bio-chemistry from Massachusetts Institute of Technology , the US , in1996 .

  7. 他拥有耶鲁大学管理学院工商管理硕士学位以及休斯顿大学土木工程博士学位。

    He received an MBA from the Yale School of Management and Ph.D in Civil Engineering from the University of Houston .

  8. 他后来进入锡拉丘兹市纽约州立大学,攻读生物工程博士学位。

    That 's when he enrolled in a doctoral program in bioprocess engineering at State University of New York in Syracuse .

  9. 2009年,外国留学生获得了高达三分之二的由美国高校颁发的物理和工程博士学位。

    In two thousand nine , foreign students earned up to two-thirds of the physics and engineering doctorates awarded by American colleges and universities .

  10. 战后,奥托回到柏林技术大学学习建筑,1954年获得土木工程博士学位。

    After the war Mr. Otto returned to study architecture at the Technical University of Berlin , where he earned a doctorate in civil engineering in 1954 .

  11. 张亚勤博士拥有美国乔治•华盛顿大学电气工程博士学位,中国科技大学电气工程硕士学位及学士学位。

    Zhang has a PhD in electrical engineering from George Washington University and master 's and bachelor 's degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Science and Technology of China .

  12. 方同时宣布说利福尼亚的西太平洋大学,也就是唐骏取得电子工程博士学位的大学,是一所野鸡大学,学生可以从那里买到学位证书。

    Fang also said the California-based Pacific Western University , which awarded Tang his PhD degree in electrical engineering , is actually a " diploma mill ", where students can purchase degrees .

  13. 他当时还在攻读神经科学工程的博士学位。

    He was working on a doctorate in neuroscience engineering .

  14. 房地产估价方法与应用&湖南大学国际商学院管理科学与工程专业博士学位论文摘要

    The Methods and Their Application of the Appraisal of Read Estate ── Abstract from a Doctoral Dissertation

  15. 方剑毕业于乔治亚理工学院,电子和计算机工程专业博士学位。

    Jian Fang graduated from Georgia Institute of Technology with a Ph.D.degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering .

  16. 在底部和外张砰击计算中结合哈尔滨工程大学博士学位论文现有的方法,采用二维剖面与三维水动力网格匹配的方式计算底部和外张砰击力。

    The bottom slamming forces and bow flare slamming forces are computed by matching the two-dimensional section and the three-dimensional hydrodynamic computation mesh .

  17. 哈尔滨工程大学博士学位论文应用三维数值模型模拟不同展弦比机翼的突然起动问题,将计算升力系数与线性理论比较,检验算法的可行性。

    To verify three-dimensional numerical scheme , calculated lift coefficients for impulsively started problem of wings with different aspect ratio are compared with linear theory .

  18. 对猎雷声纳基阵进行可测干扰哈尔滨工程大学博士学位论文解耦研究,仿真结果表明,本文提出的补偿方案是正确的、可行的。

    By studying and simulating the sonar array robust disturbance decoupling , the author points out that using the robust disturbance decoupling control to compensate disturbances of the boat posture is correct and feasible .

  19. DF估计1966年,只有23%的自然科学和工程方面的博士学位授予境外学生。

    Dr Freeman estimates that in 1966 only 23 % of science and engineering PhDs in America were awarded to students born outside the country .

  20. 并获得了康奈尔大学电子工程系的博士学位。

    And she received a PHD electro-engineering from Cornell .

  21. 1992年,我离开柏林,赴英国剑桥大学的工程系攻读博士学位,那里就有一台这样的显微镜。

    I left Berlin in1992 and went to Cambridge University in England to do a doctorate degree in the engineering department where such a microscope existed .

  22. 卫尔斯理学院在这方面尤为突出:政府数据显示,它的学生毕业后在科学和工程领域获得的博士学位的比例超过了全美任何其他人文学院的女性学生。

    Wellesley alumnae in particular are awarded more science and engineering doctorates than female graduates of any other liberal-arts college in the nation , according to government data .

  23. 这无疑是正确的:他拥有电气工程学位和金融博士学位,他曾经是一名投资银行家和一位对冲基金经理。

    That is undeniably true : he has a degree in electrical engineering , a PhD in finance and was an investment banker and a hedge fund manager .

  24. 《地震工程与工程振动》被博士学位论文的引用分析

    Analysis of the papers in " Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration " quoted by some doctorate theses