
ɡōnɡ yè yònɡ yóu
  • industrial oil
  1. 油脂碘值低,属于半干性油,特别适合做工业用油,具有较好的开发利用前景。

    The oil belongs to half drying oil , and is especially suitable to industrial oil .

  2. 工业用油的总体发展趋势为长寿命、节能、环保。

    The general trend on the industrial oil is developing toward longer life , more energy saved and favorable for environment protection .

  3. 与工业用油溶性品红成色剂Ns相比,L-品红成色剂的一些照相性能更加优越。

    By contrast with a commercial coupler Ns , latex magenta couplers in this paper exhibited better photographic property .

  4. 工业用油稠化剂的选择与应用

    Selection And Application Of Thickener For Industrial Lubricating Oils

  5. 工业用油在冶金行业中的使用情况

    The usage of industrial oils in metallurgical trade

  6. 一种新型的凝油剂工业用油稠化剂的选择与应用

    A New Type of Fuel Thickener Selection And Application Of Thickener For Industrial Lubricating Oils

  7. 合理分配资源,逐步增加化学工业用油比重;

    Rationally allocate the resources and gradually increase the proportion of oil used in the chemical industry .

  8. 在工业用油方面,高芥酸和中等长度的脂肪酸改良已逐渐展开。

    For the industrial purpose , to breed high erucic acid rapeseed ( HEAR ) and high mid-length fatty acids cultivars has been done .

  9. 碱炼法的脱色效果明显较化学脱色好,处理后的油色可以满足食品及工业用油对色度的要求;

    The decoloration of alkali refining is obviously better than chemical methods , the oil treated by this method can fit the demand of food and industry .

  10. 蒜头果种子富含油脂,为重要的工业用油原料,具有较大的开发利用价值。

    Its ' seed has abound oil which is important raw material of oil in industry , so Malania oleifera has quite great value on exploitation and utilization .

  11. 据中国国家新闻媒体周一透露,在东部地区一家工厂的经理被逮捕,原因是从泔水,下水道污水,杀虫剂和再生工业用油中提取油脂生产食用猪油。

    A factory manager in eastern China has been arrested for using grease from swill , sewage , pesticides and recycled industrial oil to make lard for human consumption , the state news media said Monday .

  12. 工业齿轮用油第二次更新换代与选油方法的重建

    Second upgrading of industrial gear oil and rebuilding method of the oil selection

  13. 还列表介绍了常用工业机械用油各品种新旧名称对照。

    The contrast of various new name to old name of industrial machine oil in common use was also tabulated .

  14. 随着工业的发展,工业用油的使用量越来越大,但由于各种技术限制和落后的管理等原因,大量油品进入水体,形成污染。

    Along with the industry development , large oil entered into the water body as a result of technical limit and backward management .