
gōng jù zhǔ yì
  • instrumentalism
工具主义[gōng jù zhǔ yì]
  1. 论西方艺术教育的工具主义研究范式

    On the Research Paradigm of the Instrumentalism of Western Art Education

  2. 浅析法律工具主义对法律信仰的影响

    Analyzing the influence of the law instrumentalism to the belief in law

  3. 本研究依据PaulErnest的观点将小学教师的数学观分为工具主义、柏拉图主义和问题解决三类。

    The primary teachers ' view of mathematics , according to the argument of Paul Ernest , was classified into three categories : the instrumentalist view , the Platonist view , and the problem solving view .

  4. 工具主义理论确立了部分服从法律的义务。

    Instrumental justification establishes the partial obligation of obedience to the law .

  5. 四是法律工具主义影响久远。

    Fourthly , it lies in the far-reaching influence of the legal instrumentalism .

  6. 从工具主义到人文关怀:学校体育教学的范式转变&自组织的学校体育教学展望

    From Instrumentalism to Humanism : The Conversion of Teaching Pattern in School Sports

  7. 柏克莱借鉴了牛顿的工具主义。

    Berkeley took a leaf out of Newton 's book by going instrumentalist .

  8. 自然的自然化出现稍晚,自然化成为问题,是在工业革命以来工具主义理性对大自然的戕害造成全球性生态危机之时;

    Naturalization of nature emersed relatively late , and it became a problem .

  9. 中国法律工具主义与美国工具主义法律观相比较而言,既有共同之处,又有显著区别。

    There are similarities and differences between China legal instrumentalism and U.S. legal instrumentalism .

  10. 法律工具主义的形成有其深刻的哲学背景、深厚的理论渊源以及丰厚的实践基础。

    Legal instrumentalism has profound philosophical background , deep theoretical origin and rich practice basis .

  11. 丹尼特的意向工具主义思想在当代西方心灵哲学中有着广泛而深刻的影响力。

    Daniel Dennett s intentional instrumentalism has the great effects in contemporary philosophy of mind .

  12. 管理发展的工具主义观点

    Management development instrumental view

  13. 在汉字教学中开掘汉字的文化构成,就是对传统的工具主义教学理念和教学方式的一次颠覆与重建。

    Proposing cultural composition in Chinese character education is a reconstruction of traditional instrumental instruction thoughts and style .

  14. 在非宪政的政体之下,法治工具主义与法治目的主义不能并存;而在宪政的政体下,法治工具主义与法治目的主义则可以并存。

    Instrumentalism and teleology can not coexist under non - constitutional society , but can coexist under constitutional society .

  15. 程序正义理论的广泛应用,将有利于“程序工具主义”的淡化和消除我国“重实体轻程序”的观念。

    The extensive application of procedure justice theory will be in favor of desalting'procedure instrumentalism'and eliminating'regard entity belittle procedure'idea .

  16. 第三、坚定对宪政的信念,突破宪政工具主义的认识局限。

    Third , strengthen the faith of the constitutional government , breakthrough limitation of " the constitutional government instrumentalism " .

  17. 三类刑事诉讼目的学说各有不足,又有工具主义、理想主义和理性主义的共同缺陷。

    Those three theories are not convincing respectively , also with the common defect of instrumentalism , idealism and rationalism .

  18. 在回应沃尔夫的过程中,拉兹发展了一种工具主义理论,他将其称为常规证明命题。

    In the response to Wolff , Raz developed instrumental justification , which he calls ' Normal Justification Thesis ' .

  19. 美国的实力地位赋予美国国会以工具主义态度看待联合国的特权。

    The power status of the US offers the US Congress the privilege to treat the UN with instrumentalism attitude .

  20. 这么一来牛顿提出的万有引力过程,我们把它视作工具主义,柏克莱将其普遍化。

    So the lesson that Newton grew in the case of gravity and Berkeley generalized as we saw in his instrumentalism .

  21. 无论你赞成还是反对,对待法律的工具主义态度俨然已成为现代法律的命运。

    Whether you agree or not , an instrumentalism attitude to the law has become the fate of the morden law .

  22. 玻耳兹曼的实在论思想是在他与当时的唯能论者、实证论者、工具主义者和现象主义者的争论中形成的。

    Boltzmann forms Realism thought in the process of his debate with the only-theorists , empirical theorists , instrumentalist and phenomena activist .

  23. 而记者失职的背后则是深层的权力控制,媒介工具主义思想将记者与公众之间的关系作了不恰当的定位。

    The journalists ' delinquency is due to the power control and the media instrumentalism which confuses the journalist and the public .

  24. 如此,隐含着的工具主义因素在技术不是经济范畴命题中清晰地显现了出来。

    Therefore , the instrumental factor implied in proposition is clearly emerged by the statement that technology is not an economic category .

  25. 法律社会学关于居民守法行为原因的解释有两个经典范式,即工具主义范式和规范内化范式。

    There are two classical paradigms about reasons of people 's obedience to law , which are instrumentalist approach and normative approach .

  26. 多年以来,中学语文课堂教学耗时多,收效少,存在着不少弊端,症结就在于长期以来工具主义在语文课堂教学中大行其道而导致了语文学科人文价值的根本缺失。

    There have been many defects in Chinese class teaching for years such as wasting for much time but getting too little knowledge .

  27. 我国民事诉讼立法中的“程序工具主义”及其问题&对我国民事诉讼立法指导思想的反思

    The " Procedure Instrumentalism " and Problems Thereof in Our Civil Procedure Legislation & Reflections on the Guiding Ideology of Our Civil Procedure Legislation

  28. 工具主义认为国家某些时候发布我们应当做什么的命令,而无需我们对命令的批判性反思。

    It says that government occasionally issues some orders about what we should do while our critical review on the order is not necessary .

  29. 本文以工具主义的技术观念为核心,探讨了阐述技术的原则,分析了技术应该得到的理解和把握。

    The paper focuses on technological instrumentalism , making a research on the principles of technology and analyzing the approach of understanding and grasping it .

  30. 分析我国的师生关系,可以看到我国的传统师生关系是缺乏人性的师生关系,是科学主义的师生关系,是工具主义形而上学存在论的体现。

    Traditional relationship between teacher and students in our country is short of humanity and full of scientism , is ontological embodiment of instrumentalism metaphysics .