
  • 网络pythagoreanism
  1. 在科学哲学中,毕达哥拉斯主义的要旨是认为物理世界的奥秘在于数学和谐或基本对称性。

    In the philosophy of science , the tenor of Pythagoreanism is that the mystery of the physical world exists in the mathematic harmony or the basic symmetry .

  2. 近代天体物理学中的毕达哥拉斯主义倾向

    In Modern Times Astrophysics Pythagoras Principle Tendency

  3. 毕达哥拉斯主义对后世辩证法、学认识论的发展也有所启示。

    It also made contributions to the development of the later dialectics and scientific epistemology .