
  • 网络graduation rate;Graduate rate;Completion;completion rate
  1. 让Nijay没有意识到的是,他的学校田纳西州立大学第一代学生的毕业率仅为29%。

    What Nijay didn 't realize about his school — Tennessee State University — was its frighteningly low graduation rate a mere 29 percent for its first-generation students .

  2. (例如,哈佛大学宣称,代表性不足的少数族裔六年来的毕业率为98%。)

    ( Harvard , for example , boasts a six - year graduation rate for underrepresented minority groups of 98 percent . )

  3. 作为南方大学中的佼佼者,该校第一代学生的毕业率仅为16%,尽管其整体毕业率为71%。

    A flagship university in the South , the school graduates just 16 percent of its first-generation students , despite its overall graduation rate of 71 percent .

  4. 五年级的阅读成绩和学分越低,初中的成绩就越低,因此高中毕业率也就会低40%。

    Lower reading achievement scores and grades in fifth grade contributed to reduced grades in middle school and thereby contributed to a 40 % lower high school graduation rate .

  5. 田纳西州立大学的总体毕业率只有39%,但至少第一代学生和同龄人的成绩差距较小。

    Tennessee State 's overall graduation rate is a tiny 39 percent , but at least it has a smaller gap between the outcomes for first-generation students and those of their peers .

  6. 联邦法律规定,高等教育机构必须报告毕业率,但这些报告通常只包括佩尔受助者的数据,而不一定有针对第一代学生的比率。

    Higher education institutions are , under federal law , required to report graduation rates , but these reports typically only include Pell recipient numbers — not necessarily rates specific to first-generation students .

  7. 尽管如此,琼斯还是代表了一小部分能够进入更多精英大学的第一代学生,这些精英大学强有力的经济援助计划和第一代学生的高毕业率非常有名。

    Still , Jones represents a small percentage of first-generation students who are able to gain entry into more elite universities , which are often known for robust financial aid packages and remarkably high graduation rates for first-generation students .

  8. 例如,北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校只承认其第一代学生的毕业率"远低于"所有四年内毕业的学生的毕业率,即81%。

    The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill , for instance , admits only that the graduation rate for its first-generation pupils is " much lower " than the percentage of all students who graduate within four years ( 81 percent ) .

  9. 一些专家说,20世纪初开始在美国实行的愉快而慵懒的暑假制度是导致美国高中生的数学技能和毕业率在2007年两份国际教育报告中远远低于平均水平的原因之一。

    Some experts say its pleasant but lazy summer break , which took hold in the early 20th century , is one of the reasons math skills and graduation rates of U . S . high schoolers ranked well below average in two international education reports published in 2007 .

  10. 但是学校的人均SAT分数每降低10分,毕业率就上升百分之二。

    But for every 10 point decrease in the school ’ s average SAT score , degree completion rises by 2 % !

  11. 尖子生的毕业率占一半以上,而SAT低分者仅占百分之十五左右。

    The top students represent just over 50 % of people who graduate , while the lower SAT scores represent around 15 % of people who actually graduate .

  12. 黑人大学毕业率平均为两女一男。

    Two black women graduate from college for every black man .

  13. ⑵寻求有效提高工程硕士研究生的毕业率的措施和办法;

    ⑵ Find methods to improve the graduation rate for MEng students ;

  14. 学生毕业率也高于平均水平。

    We also enjoy a higher than average high school completion rate .

  15. 他们想要的是毕业率高达98%。

    They want to get that up to 98 percent .

  16. 但非裔美国男性的大学毕业率却仅与之前持平

    the college graduation rate for African American men has flatlined

  17. 尽管所有群体的大学毕业率数字都在提高

    And while college graduation rates have risen for nearly every other demographic

  18. 今年的高中生毕业率也将达到100%。

    This year 's seniors will have 100 percent graduating high school .

  19. 我们孩子的高中毕业率是一直以来最高的。

    Our kids ' high school graduation rate is at an all-time high .

  20. 他讲到了美国大学毕业率下降的问题。

    He talked about the in college graduation rates in the United States .

  21. 自那以后,毕业率提高了10%到15%。

    Since then the graduation rate has improved by ten to fifteen percent .

  22. 问题7:黑人男性运动员的毕业率是多少?

    Question 7 : What is the graduation rate of black male athletes ?

  23. 它的入学率和中学毕业率都很高。

    Whose attendance rate is70 % or above .

  24. 他们希望在五年之内提高毕业率。

    What they want to do is within five years boost their graduation rates .

  25. 虽然一些大学的毕业率非常高,但还有许多大学不乐观。

    While some of the colleges have impressive graduation rates , many do not .

  26. 假使使用毕业率为标准,则这个数字怕是要涨到88个。

    The number rises to 88 if completion rates are used as the criterion .

  27. 的确,国内高校的毕业率相对要高于西方高校。

    Indeed , Chinese universities have a relatively high graduation rate compared to Western ones .

  28. 而且女孩的毕业率比较高。

    The higher percentage being girls .

  29. 现如今黑人学生的高中毕业率正在改善

    The fact is that today , the high school graduation rate for black students is improving

  30. 他表示,斯坦福大学依旧是美国毕业率最高的大学之一。

    The school still has one of the highest graduation rates in the country , he says .