
bì yè zhèng shū
  • diploma;graduation certificate;Certificate of Graduation;Graduation Diploma
  1. 大学可能吊销我的毕业证书。

    The university may revoke my diploma .

  2. 拿到毕业证书真是太好了!

    What a nice feeling to get the diploma !

  3. 斯蒂芬妮·瑞特(StephanieRitter)告诉BuzzFeed,当她整理房间里的高中和大学用品时,突然发现自己的弗罗里达州立大学(FloridaStateUniversity)毕业证书。

    Stephanie Ritter told BuzzFeed that she was purging her room of high school and college paraphernalia when she came across her Florida State University diploma .

  4. 那些获得VBO毕业证书的学生可以继续接受高级职业教育(MBO)。

    Those with a VBO Diploma can then go on to the senior secondary vocation education ( MBO ) .

  5. 学校拒绝给美国俄克拉荷马州优秀高中生凯特琳·努特芭颁发毕业证书,因为她作为毕业生代表进行毕业演讲时说了“hell”这个词。这样的结果让她及其父母震怒不已。

    Kaitlin Nootbaar , a straight-A Oklahoma high school student , is being denied her diploma because she used the word " hell " in her graduation speech as valedictorian , and she and her parents are furious .

  6. 曼哈顿研究所(manhattaninstitute)今年早些时候发表的全美调查显示,在2003级学生中,约有72%的美国女孩拿到了毕业证书,而男孩只有65%。

    According to a nationwide study published earlier this year by the Manhattan Institute , about 72 per cent of American girls in the class of 2003 left with a diploma , compared with only 65 per cent of the boys .

  7. 二维条码和数字签名技术及其在毕业证书中的应用

    2D Bar Code and Digital Signature and their Applications to Diploma

  8. 我希望我的毕业证书上的名字没拼错。

    I hope they spell my name right on my diploma .

  9. 妈妈,我都等不及拿到我的毕业证书了。

    Mum , I can 't wait to get my diploma .

  10. 颁发毕业证书的仪式将在校礼堂进行。

    Ceremony of conferring graduation certificates will be hold in auditorium .

  11. 每一份毕业证书将需要科罗拉多梅萨大学支付五美元的费用。

    Each reissued diploma will cost the university about $ 5 .

  12. 毕业生们从校长手里接受他们的毕业证书。

    The graduates received their diplomas at the hands of the principal .

  13. 每个毕业生将会收到一张毕业证书。

    Each graduate will receive a piece of paper called a diploma .

  14. 布拉克斯顿拿到毕业证书时是17岁。

    Braxton will be 17 when he gets his diplomas .

  15. 经公证的最高学历成绩单及毕业证书;

    Notarized copy of diploma and transcripts for highest education ;

  16. 她想我能拿到毕业证书。

    She wants to see me walk across that stage at graduation .

  17. 教育体制和获得的毕业证书在法国也被承认。

    The educational program and diplomas obtained are recognised as in France .

  18. 毕业证书是我通过考试的证据。

    The diploma is proof that I passed the exam .

  19. 注:请务必交验英文学历证书和英文成绩单复印件,高中毕业证书。

    Note : copies of diploma and transcripts in English must be submitted .

  20. 就用你的毕业证书去公证一下就好了。

    The diploma that uses you goes notarial good .

  21. 我们公司要所有员工的毕业证书影本。

    Our company wants a copy of all employees'diplomas .

  22. 甚至有22个州都没有将其列为获得毕业证书的必修课。

    Twenty-two states don 't even allow it to count toward a diploma .

  23. 我只是来拿我的毕业证书!

    Just here to pick up my diploma .

  24. 修完全部课程的学生被授予毕业证书。

    Diploma is confer on the student who have completed all courses of study .

  25. 毕业生领受毕业证书的时候,会把帽子上的流苏甩到另一边。

    When graduates get their diplomas , they flip the tassels on their caps .

  26. 戴着方帽,穿着长袍,拿到你的毕业证书,去哈佛上学。

    Wearing your cap and gown and get your diploma and go to harvard .

  27. 要拿到毕业证书,陈瑜必须通过大学英语四级考试。

    Chen Yu was only required to pass the CET4 to get his diploma .

  28. 更为自己获得了一所技术学校的毕业证书而自豪。

    And she was even prouder to earn a diploma from a technical school .

  29. 系主任正在颁发毕业证书。

    The dean is handing out the diplomas .

  30. 我们这所大学今天颁发了300份毕业证书。

    My university handed out 300 diplomas today .