
  • 网络Picasso Museum;Musee Picasso;Museum Picasso;Museo Picasso;Museu Picasso
  1. 冰川公园里的游客将学习读懂上个冰河时代的一些迹象,那些更有兴趣的人在毕加索博物馆可以欣赏到一些对后来的杰作。

    Those more interested in the Picasso Museum can admire some of the later masterpieces , while visitors to the Glacier Garden will learn to read the signs of the last ice age .

  2. 按照后人的传说,毕加索进入博物馆后,拐错了弯,最后进入一间非洲面具的陈列室。

    Legend has it that , once inside the museum , he took a wrong turn . He ended up in a room of African masks .

  3. 毕加索在新派别博物馆展出。

    Picasso hangs in this new wing of the museum .