
  • 网络The Sagrada Familia;Sagrada Familia Church;Sagrade Familia;Sagrada Familia Cathedral
  1. 紧随自由女神像之后的是巴塞罗那圣家族大教堂,这里备受野心勃勃的Ins摄影师们的青睐。

    Following Lady Liberty , it 's Barcelona 's Sagrada Familia that proves popular among aspiring Instagram photographers .

  2. 去年,拉o罗卡购物中心吸引了330万顾客,其中大部分是外国人,使它成了巴塞罗那访问量最大的旅游景点——甚至超过了加泰罗尼亚著名建筑师安东尼奥o高迪的史诗之作——蜚声全球的圣家族大教堂(SagradaFamiliacathedral)。

    Last year , La Roca Village attracted 3.3 million shoppers , mostly foreigners , which makes it the most visited tourist attraction in Barcelona - superseding even Catalan architect Antoni Gaud í " s epic and internationally famous Sagrada Familia cathedral .

  3. 圣家族大教堂,修建百年的神圣之梦&特以此文纪念高迪逝世80周年

    Holy Dream of Sagrada Familia Church

  4. 他说,他的设计受慕尼黑建筑和法国卢瓦尔河谷城堡的影响,同时也引用了巴塞罗那圣家族大教堂的设计者&善于创新的西班牙建筑师安东尼·高迪的理念作为设计灵感。

    His designs were stimulated by buildings in Munich and the chateaux of France 's Loire Valley , he said , citing maverick Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi , designer of Barcelona 's Sagrada Familia cathedral , as an inspiration .