
  • 网络charlemagne;Charles the Great
  1. 1799年,作为第一执政官,他实际上成了法国君主。1804年,他直接模仿查理大帝,称自己为法国皇帝。

    He became practically monarch of France as first consul in1799 , and he made himself Emperor of France in i804in direct imitation of charlemagne .

  2. 查理大帝时代之所以会出现加洛林文艺复兴,是与查理大帝所倡导的一系列政策和措施分不开的。

    Charlemagne implemented a series of policies and measures and caused Carolingian Renaissance .

  3. 查理大帝与加洛林文艺复兴

    Charlemagne and Carolus Renaissance

  4. 查理大帝的一生绝大多数的时间是在戎马倥偬中度过的,仅史书记载的征战就有53次之多。

    Charlemagne contributed most of his life to warfare . There were historical records of more than 53 times .

  5. 让人们认识查理大帝在文化方面所做出的贡献的同时,更清楚的了解和认识查理大帝,更好的认识欧洲早期的封建社会的文化状况。

    Let people know about Charlemagne in cultural aspects contributions and have a better understanding and awareness of Charlemagne .

  6. 他们把他放在查理大帝院里,狱监们都睁着眼睛注视他。

    He had been let loose in the Charlemagne courtyard , and the eyes of the watchers were fixed on him .

  7. 西欧中世纪加洛林王朝的查理大帝在位46年而对外战争有55次之多。

    Charlemagne had reigned for forty-six years and had more than fifty-five wars abroad in Carolingian Dynasty in Western Europe in the Mediaeval .

  8. 欧盟仍然无法达成一套宪法,但是所谓的“欧洲计划”却能为查理大帝用作自我辩护的依据。

    A constitution is still not within the grasp of the European Union , but the " European project " provides a justifiable basis for Charlemagne .

  9. 查理大帝(742-814年)是法兰克王国加洛林王朝的一位君主,他是欧洲封建社会初期最著名的历史人物。

    Charlemagne ( 742-814 ) was a Kingdom of Frankish Carolingian . He was the most famous historical figures in the beginning of Europe feudal society .

  10. 教皇陛下(直接称呼)教皇在巴黎为他加冕,他从教皇手中接过王冠,自己戴在头上,就像查理大帝以前教导的那样。

    He was crowned by the Pope in Paris , taking the crown from the Pope and putting it upon his own head himself as Charlemagne had directed .

  11. 正因为这股憨气,裁判官才放了他,认为把他放在查理大帝院里比关在隔离牢房里会得用些。

    It was in consequence of this laintive air that the magistrate had released him , thinking him more useful in the Charlemagne yard than in close confinement .

  12. 查理大帝于公元800年加冕为罗马皇帝,创立了神圣罗马帝国;中欧就此开始形成。

    The outline of Central Europe began to take shape with the creation of the Holy Roman Empire under Charlemagne , who was crowned Roman emperor in AD800 .

  13. 在法兰克时期尤其是查理大帝的支持下,修道院在文化领域中位居主导地位。正文共分三章:第一章,中世纪西欧社会中的修道院;

    In the support of Frank kings especially Charlemagne , monasteries dominated in the social culture . Part two is divided into three chapters : chapter one discusses monasteries in the Middle Age ;

  14. 在西罗马帝国灭亡之后,查理大帝建立了西欧的第一个帝国。他在艾克斯拉沙佩勒的宫廷是一个经典的学术中心,也是加洛林文艺复兴的焦点。

    He founded the first empire in Western Europe after the fall of Rome , and his court at Aix-la-Chapelle was a center of classical learning and a focus of the Carolingian Renaissance .

  15. 有一件事却是肯定无疑的:第二天,一个“邮车夫”从查理大帝院里被丢向天空,越过那座六层大楼,落在大楼另一面的狮子沟里了。

    What is certain is , that on the following morning , a " postilion " was flung from the Charlemagne yard into the Lions'Ditch , over the five-story building which separated the two court-yards .

  16. 伦巴德人占领了意大利的大部分地区,并建立伦巴德王国,在意大利进行了长达两个世纪的统治后,王国于774年被查理大帝所灭。

    But in the year of 774 , their kingdom was conquered by Charlemagne . The Lombards ruled Italy for as long as two centuries . Relative to other Germans , they are the true invaders .

  17. 查理大帝在其中起了非常重要的作用,他的文化政策不仅导致了基督教文化的初步定型,而且对希腊、罗马等古典文化典籍的收集整理也做出了一定的贡献。

    As an important promoter of this movement , Charlemagne not only helped shape the Christian culture through his cultural strategies , but he also made some contribution to gathering and sifting ancient texts of Greece and Rome .

  18. 所谓上苍垂念,所谓天使关怀,只不过是一个匪徒从查理大帝院经过拉弗尔斯监狱的房顶抛向狮子沟里另一匪徒的一个面包团罢了。

    That celestial chance , that intervention of the angels , was a pellet of bread tossed by one thief to another thief , from the Charlemagne Courtyard to the Lion 's Ditch , over the roofs of La Force .

  19. 奥吉尔维同志,在现时根本不存在,却能够存在于过去之中。待到忘掉了他的伪造,奥吉尔维同志将真正存在其真确性一如查理大帝跟尤利乌斯恺撒,依靠的是同样的证据。

    Comrade ogilvy , who had never existed in the present , now existed in the past , and when once the act of forgery was forgotten , he would exist just as authentically , and upon the same evidence , as Charlemagne or Julius caesar .

  20. 记住查理查理钞票大帝

    Remember , Charlie Charlie , all good money .