
chá fēng
  • seal up;close down
查封 [chá fēng]
  • [seal up;close down] 检查后贴上封条,不准动用

  • 查封房屋

查封[chá fēng]
  1. 几种特殊涉案款物的查封、扣押和冻结浅析邯郸农行金库盗窃案涉案巨款追缴

    On the seal up , detention , frozen of some kinds of special property involved in criminal case

  2. 人民法院在必要的时候,可以查封或者扣押被告人的财产。

    When necessary , the People 's Court may seal up or distrain upon the property of the defendant .

  3. 那家夜总会被警察查封了。

    The club was closed by the police .

  4. 沙皇政府在1905年12月查封了这家报馆。

    The tsarist government closed down the newspaper in December 1905 .

  5. 有迹象表明该报将被查封。

    Broad hints were aired that the paper should be closed down .

  6. 这家公司已被查封。

    The company has been closed down .

  7. 请你在所有查询中注明这个查封id。

    Please include this ID in any queries you make .

  8. 她表示,在中国官方的帮助下,coach已在数千起突袭行动中,查封了数百万件仿冒品。

    With the help of the Chinese authorities , she said , coach had seized millions of counterfeited products in thousands of raids .

  9. 一位发言人表示:Facebook不会容忍该网站上的网络欺凌行为,一旦发现有人用任何方式对他人进行欺凌,将会查封他的帐户。

    A spokesman said : Facebook does not condone cyber-bullying on the site and will disable accounts that are found to be intimidating others in any way .

  10. Facebook在其使用条款中说明,如果会员对其他用户实行恐吓、骚扰或欺凌,或者参与掠夺或跟踪行为,他们的账户将被查封。

    In its terms of use , Facebook states that members will have their accounts deactivated if they intimidate , harass or bully other users or engage in predatory conduct or stalking .

  11. 对于媒体曝光的事件,上海市政府的回应是查封涉事的美国福喜集团(OSI)子公司上海福喜食品有限公司(ShanghaiHusiFoodCo),并刑拘了一些员工。

    The Shanghai government responded to the media expos é by closing down the affected factory of Shanghai Husi Food Co , a subsidiary of US food group OSI , and detaining staff .

  12. 2008年,伯纳德·L·麦道夫(BernardL.Madoff)的庞氏骗局崩塌短短两个月后,另一个庞氏骗局的主脑詹姆斯·尼科尔森(JamesNicholson)遭到了逮捕,其位于时代华纳中心第52层的公寓也被查封。

    Just two months after the collapse of the Ponzi scheme run by Bernard L. Madoff in 2008 , another Ponzi schemer was arrested : James Nicholson , whose Time Warner condominium was frozen .

  13. 但鉴于穆阿迈尔卡扎菲(muammergaddafi)面临的是有可能被推翻和处死,仅凭查封银行账户或起诉这样一个渺茫的威胁,似乎不太可能制止他。

    But with muammer Gaddafi facing the prospect of defeat and death , it seems unlikely that the closure of bank accounts or a distant threat of prosecution will deter him .

  14. Nemtsov说,当局查封了他的运动的文献,搜查了印刷厂,并跟踪他和几名自己的人员。

    The candidate says authorities also seized his campaign literature , searched printing houses and followed him and members of his staff .

  15. 警方表示,他们已查封了一家总部位于博洛尼亚的转账公司money2money,该公司由两个意大利人及华人家族联合拥有。

    Police said they had seized a bologna-based money transfer company , money2money , jointly owned by two Italian and Chinese families .

  16. 民事执行中查封之效力

    On the Legal Force of Sealing up Properties in Civil Implementation

  17. 不动产查封公示问题研究

    Study on Issues of Public Summons for Sequestration of Real Estate

  18. 查封这个办公室的每个工作站和硬盘。

    Impound every work station and hard drive in this office .

  19. 只有管理员才能创建禁止查封的范围。

    Talk The sysop ability to create range blocks is disabled .

  20. 我奉劝把这地方马上查封。

    I advise that this place be shut up at once .

  21. 这里记录了用户进行查封和解封的操作。

    This is a log of user blocking and unblocking actions .

  22. 扣押、查封商品、货物或者其他财产。

    Seizing or detaining commodities , goods or other property .

  23. 这个店奉法庭之令被查封。

    This business has been shut down by order of the court .

  24. 法院下令查封她所有的财产。

    The courts ordered the seizure of all her property .

  25. 在这所房子发现的武器被警察没收了。(依法没收,扣押,查封)

    The weapons found in the house were seized by the police .

  26. 我家大宅被银行没收查封了

    Our townhouse was taken and bolted up by the bank so ...

  27. 两年前他们查封了他的一个纸箱。

    They stopped a carton two years ago at lax .

  28. 那样国税局才不会查封这房子。

    So that the IRS wouldn 't take this house .

  29. 您必须说明查封的具体理由。

    You must supply a reason for the block .

  30. 他们查封了很多他的物品当作是证据。

    They seized most of his possessions as evidence .