
  • examination of goods
  1. 核对单证并查验货物;

    Checking the documents and examining the goods ;

  2. 查验货物时,由于海关关员责任造成被查货物损坏的,海关应按规定赔偿当事人的直接经济损失。

    Inspection of cargo customs duty as a result of causing damage to the goods under investigation , the Customs shall provide for compensation for direct economic loss of the parties .

  3. 对海关确定需查验的货物,转出企业应当将货物运至查验场地,由海关实施查验后,再办理上述转关手续。

    For the goods the customs needs to examine , a transferring enterprise shall deliver the goods to the examination place and go through the above trans-customs procedures after the customs examines the goods .

  4. 海关在查验过境货物时,经营人或承运人应当到场,按照海关的要求负责搬移货物,开拆和重封货物的包装,并在海关查验记录上签字。

    When the customs are inspecting transit goods , an operator or carrier shall be present and responsible for moving the goods , opening and restoring the package and sign the inspection record of the customs .

  5. 查验进出口货物,应当在海关规定的时间和场所进行。

    Check goods of imports and exports , the time that ought to provide in custom and place undertake .