
  • 网络great clearance
  1. 关于第三轮大通关若干问题的思考

    Ideas on Some Problems of the Third " Big Clearance "

  2. 中国检验检疫工作与大通关制度改革

    Reform of China Inspection and Quarantine and Big Customs Clearance Policy

  3. 重庆口岸大通关现状、问题与建议

    The State , Problems , And Suggestions of Chongqing Integrated Customs-Port System

  4. 关于湛江大通关策略研究

    Big clearance strategy of zhanjiang

  5. 随着上海海关大通关平台的建立产,各保税区内的信息化网络基本建成。

    With the establishment of Customs application system platform , the information network in all free trade zones have been completed .

  6. 目的探讨适应大通关战略新形势的卫生检疫监管新模式。

    Objective To discuss the new mode of health quarantine and inspection to suit for the strategy of further " speeding up customs clearance " .

  7. 大通关制度的提出,将有效改善空港口岸通关效率,但基于大通关模式空港口岸通关支持系统还有待完善。

    Customs clearance system will greatly improve the efficiency of airport customs clearance , but the airport customs clearance support system which based on customs clearance mode remains to be perfect .

  8. 目的探讨出入境航空港口岸航空配餐电子监管新模式,实现对配餐企业实时、有效监管,满足大通关要求,确保配餐卫生安全。

    Objective To discuss the new electronic supervision mode for international airports , to realize real-time and effective supervision for flight food so as to match the fast-passing requirements and insure the sanitation and safety of flight food .

  9. 为进一步对外开放、扩大贸易,建立大通道、大通关成为当务之急。

    It is the urgent task on hand to build the important channels for opening wider to the outside world and expanding the scale of the trade .

  10. 〔结果〕蛋白芯片具有操作简便、通量高、信息量大等技术特点,有利于大通关建设。

    Results Characters of protein-chips were operation simple , high throughput with great capacity of information , which would bring benefit to the developments of " big clearance " .