
hǎi ɡuān fànɡ xínɡ
  • customs clearance;customs release
  1. 在海关放行前遭受损坏或者损失的货物

    Goods to which damage or loss has occurred prior to Customs release

  2. 交付罚款后,海关放行这批货物。

    The custom release the goods against payment of a fine .

  3. 在海关放行前损失的货物;

    Goods lost before being granted access by the customs ;

  4. 在出示有关文件后箱子被海关放行。

    The case will be released by the custom on production of the relevant document .

  5. 在海关放行前遭受损坏的货物,可以根据海关认定的受损程度减征关税。

    For goods incurring losses before being granted access by the customs , customs duties may be reduced on the goods on the basis of the damages recognized by the customs .

  6. 海关即刻放行报关单

    Customs immediate release declaration

  7. 第三十条国际邮递物品未经海关查验放行,邮政企业不得寄递。

    Article 30 . Postal enterprises shall not post or deliver international postal articles that are not examined and allowed to pass by the Customs .

  8. 各成员还可制定关于海关中止放行自其领土出口的侵权货物的相应程序。

    Members may also provide for corresponding procedures concerning the suspension by the customs authorities of the release of infringing goods destined for exportation from their territories .

  9. 旅客携运属下列情形的物品,海关不予放行,予以退运或存入海关指定的仓库。

    Articles belonging to the following categories cannot be allowed for clearance and shall be returned to the place of consignment or kept in the appointed warehouse by the Customs .

  10. 对使用多张《携带证》的,若加盖银行印章的《携带证》累计总额超出等值10000美元,海关不予放行。

    For those under several Permits for Carrying Foreign Exchanges issued by the certified bank , if the sum exceeds equivalence of USD10000 in total , the Customs shall not release them .

  11. 没有原始分空运单,海关将不对收货人放行货物。

    Without original HAWB , customs will not release cargo to the cnee .

  12. 海关官员可以更新放行状态。

    Customs officials can update release status .

  13. 因纳税义务人违反规定造成漏征税款的,海关应当自货物放行之日起3年内追征税款。

    Where a duty payer ignores its duties due to any violation of the relevant provisions , the customs shall , within three years from the day when the goods are cleared , recover the ignored duties .

  14. 另外,进出口货物因各种原因需海关特殊处理的,可向海关申请担保放行。

    In addition , the import and export of goods for various reasons need special treatment of the Customs and Excise Department may apply for security clearance to the Customs and Excise Department .

  15. 使馆和使馆人员应当向海关申报并提供有关批准文件,海关予以审核放行。

    The mission and its personnel shall declare at the Customs and present the relevant approval documents , and the Customs shall give clearance after examination and verification .

  16. 第二十条除海关特准的外,进出口货物在收发货人缴清税款或者提供担保后,由海关签印放行。

    Unless specially approved by the Customs , import and export goods shall be released only upon endorsement by the Customs after duties have been paid or a proper guarantee has been submitted .