
  1. 空港区域海关监管仓库的增值服务研究

    The Research on the Value-added Service for the Customs Supervised Warehouses in Air-port Region

  2. 《中华人民共和国海关出口监管仓库注册登记证书》有效期为3年。

    The period of valid of the Certificate shall be3 years .

  3. 存放海关监管货物的仓库、场所的经理人应当按照海关规定,办理收存、交付手续。

    The managers of warehouses and places where goods under Customs control are kept shall complete procedures for the receipt and delivery of goods in accordance with Customs regulations .

  4. 这种变化意味着,购买商品的公司通常需要借助有海关监管的保税仓库的专业物流公司,处理商品从出厂到出口之间的所有分拣工作。

    The change has meant companies buying the goods often need to use specialist logistics companies with bonded , customs-supervised warehouses for any sorting between the factory and export .

  5. 海关可以会同出口监管仓库经营企业共同对出口监管仓库加锁或者直接派员驻库监管。

    The customs can lock export warehouses under supervision together with their operators or station people directly in them for supervision .