- 名customs valuation system

International Customs Valuation System and the curtailing of non-tariff barriers ; raise tariff walls against foreign goods
Meanwhile , Chinese customs valuation system has always been a hot issue concerned by international business professionals .
Chapter III : There are still something unreasonable in the specific regulation and procedure , though the existent customs valuation procedure of China is basically in keeping with The Agreement of Customs Valuation of WTO .
Customs Value Evaluation Policy is a link of the tariff policy under the state taxation system , which is regarded as the embodiment of the nation 's economic sovereignty right .
Based on different economic and historical conditions , the two systems have many differences regarding the principle of valuation , the basis of valuation and also the basic elements of price .
With the characters of the common views of many countries , the reasonable measures of solution , and certain and operative design of the system , International Customs Valuation System offers a beneficial example for international society to curtail non-tariff barriers .
Customs Evaluation System Research
Recognizing the need for a fair , uniform and neutral system for the valuation of goods for customs purposes that precludes the use of arbitrary or fictitious customs values ;
Beginning with the role of customs valuation , the emergence and development of international customs valuation system , this paper makes a systematic elaboration on the origin , purposes and principles of " Agreement on Customs Valuation " .
Agreement on Customs Evaluation of WTO and Improvement System of Customs Evalution in China
Agreement on customs evaluation of WTO is the legislation foundation for the systems of customs e-valuation in China .
Following a review of the basic theories and the development of customs evaluation system , this paper is devoted to the analysis of the WTO Customs Evaluation Agreement .
Customs valuation is among the important contents of customs duty , and the customs valuation system in various countries has also been engaged in international trade business people who are very concerned about the issue .
' Agreement on Customs Valuation ' aimed to establish a fair , uniform and neutral system of customs valuation at the international level .
Chapter II : It 's good for customs valuation procedure in China to study the international customs valuation rules , especially The Agreement of Customs Valuation of WTO .
The result of customs evaluation on articles concerns the vital interests of taxpayer and the appraisal result is actually inferred by the customs according to the customs evaluation system .