
  • 网络Cargo under custom’S supervision;cargo under customs supervision
  1. 海关监管货物运输服务。

    The transport service for goods controlled by customs .

  2. 暂时进口的海关监管货物;

    Temporary imported goods under customs supervision ;

  3. 载运海关监管货物的进出境船舶、汽车不按照海关指定的路线行进的;

    The inward and outward vessels , vehicles carry the goods subject to the Customs supervision and control do not go along the route designated by the Customs .

  4. 存放海关监管货物的仓库、场所的经理人应当按照海关规定,办理收存、交付手续。

    The managers of warehouses and places where goods under Customs control are kept shall complete procedures for the receipt and delivery of goods in accordance with Customs regulations .

  5. 在海关监管区外存放海关监管货物,应当经海关同意,并接受海关监管。

    The storage of goods under Customs control at a place outside the customs surveillance zone shall be approved by the customs and subject to customs control .

  6. 在海关监管区外存放海关监管货物,应当经海关同意,并接受海关监管。巴塞尔文件与我国银行表外业务监管

    The storage of goods under Customs control at a place outside the Customs surveillance zone shall be approved by the Customs and subject to Customs control . Papers Issued by Basle Committee and Supervision of Off-Balance Sheet Activities in China

  7. 下一步,中国海关还将进一步清理整顿海关监管场所和海关监管货物的运输、仓储企业,实现物流监控动态信息的计算机交换,切实加强实际监管。

    Next , the customs will take further measures to regulate customs controlled areas , the transportation of goods under Customs control and warehousing enterprises , so as to achieve computer exchange of information related to customs logistic control and ensure effective customs supervision .

  8. 未经海关许可并补缴关税,擅自出售特准进口的保税货物、其他海关监管货物或者进境的境外运输工具的;

    To sell bonded goods imported under special permission and other goods under the customs supervision and control or foreign means of transport already within the territory without permission by the customs and payment of the customs duty .