
hǎi guān jiān guǎn
  • customs supervision
海关监管[hǎi guān jiān guǎn]
  1. 有逃避海关监管,构成走私的其他行为的。

    Having other acts of evading customs supervision and constituting smuggling act .

  2. 放弃数量监管实行金额管理加入WTO后我国加工贸易海关监管改革设想

    ABOLISHING QUANTITY SUPERVISION , EXECUTING VALUE SUPERVISION & thinking on customs supervision of processing trade after Chinese entering into WTO

  3. 由海关监管,实行封闭管理。

    It is monitored by custom and managed in close style .

  4. 海关监管企业破产过程中的关税问题研究

    Research on Taxation Problem in Enterprises Supervised by Custom Bankruptcy

  5. 第三部分阐述我国加工贸易海关监管制度的主要内容;

    Chapter III expounds the major content of the regime ;

  6. 海关监管货物运输服务。

    The transport service for goods controlled by customs .

  7. 贸易便利化对我国海关监管的挑战及其对策

    The Challenges of The Trade Facilitation to China 's Customs and The Countermeasures

  8. 空港区域海关监管仓库的增值服务研究

    The Research on the Value-added Service for the Customs Supervised Warehouses in Air-port Region

  9. 试论我国野生动植物进出口管理工作与海关监管工作的关系

    On Relationship of Wildlife Import and Export Management and Supervision of Customs in China

  10. 我们有时把货物贮存在关栈中,由海关监管。

    We sometimes keep our consignments in bond under the control of the customs .

  11. 新的贸易限制手段涵盖了从高关税到昂贵的进口许可证及海关监管等各项措施。

    The new restrictions range from higher tariffs to costly import licences and customs controls .

  12. 暂时进口的海关监管货物;

    Temporary imported goods under customs supervision ;

  13. 但是,同时也给海关监管提出了新的挑战。

    Meanwhile , this new service economy has presented new challenges to the Customs supervision .

  14. 改革市场准入、海关监管、检验检疫等管理体制。

    Reforms will be carried out in market access , customs supervision and inspection and quarantine management .

  15. 他指出,减免税进口货物应在海关监管之下。

    He noted that goods so imported were required to be put under customs supervision and control .

  16. 走私行为及违反海关监管规定行为的处理

    Disposal of Smuggling Act and Act in Violation of the Provisions Regarding the Customs Supervision and Control

  17. 国际邮袋出入境、开拆和封发,应当由海关监管。

    The Customs shall supervise the entry and exit , opening , sealing and dispatching of international mail bags .

  18. 创新服务外包海关监管模式,推广实施服务外包保税监管。

    We shall innovate in the customs supervision models , and promote the bonded area supervision of service outsourcing .

  19. 保税区是我国开放程度较高的海关监管的特殊区域。

    Free Trade Zone is a Chinese special area of high degree of openness under the customs ' supervision .

  20. 提供各类型海关监管车辆转关运输及深加工结转运输服务。

    Providing the services of customs transfer transportation and the transportation of deeply – processed products'carry-over by supervised trucks .

  21. 季节性的边境口岸也要加强海关监管和商品检验。

    The supervision of the customs and the inspection of commodities should also be reinforced at seasonal frontier ports .

  22. 第一部分探讨建立和完善我国加工贸易海关监管制度的必要性与可行性;

    Chapter I explores the necessity and feasibility of establishing and improving the customs control regime on processing trade in China ;

  23. 国家在对外开放的口岸和海关监管业务集中的地点设立海关。

    The State establishes the customs at the ports open to foreign countries and other localities where Customs affairs are concentrated .

  24. 随着国际物流的发展和我国进出口贸易量的不断增长,海关监管的任务日趋复杂。

    With the development of international logistic and Chinese trading , the customs ' supervision work becomes more and more complex .

  25. 任何单位和个人均有权对违反本法规定逃避海关监管的行为进行举报。

    All entities and individuals have the right to report to the Customs on activities violating the provisions of this law .

  26. 第六部分提出建立与完善我国加工贸易海关监管制度的建议。

    Chapter VI makes recommendations on how to establish and improve the customs control regime with respect to processing trade in China .

  27. 客户有中石化超市配送,南京飞力、海关监管业务、西门子、爱立信、三星电子、贝斯特等等。

    Customers have sinopec supermarket distribution , nanjing fly , customs affairs , Siemens , Ericsson , samsung electronics , Bester Group , etc.

  28. 上述货物的转关运输,应当符合海关监管要求;

    The transportation which brings the above mentioned goods to Customs must comply with the requirements and assent to the supervision of Customs .

  29. 展品在担保期限内须受海关监管,不得出售、转让或赠送。

    Exhibits in the guaranty period shall be subject to the Customs control , and shall not be sold , transferred or granted .

  30. 各通道之间相互隔离,符合海关监管要求。各通道内应预留必要的电源、网络接口;

    It shall have mutually isolated channels satisfying the requirements of Customs supervision , and shall preserve necessary power , network interfaces in each channel ;