
hǎi ɡuān zǒnɡ shǔ
  • general customs administration;customs head office
  1. 经中国海关总署批准设立的上海海关驻崇明办事处于日前成立,并正式对外办理业务。

    An office of Shanghai Customs posted at Chongming , that was approved by the China Customs Head Office to be set up , was established a few days ago , and has already officially conducted business .

  2. 海关总署负责边境措施;

    The General Customs Administration was responsible for border measures ;

  3. 海关总署对检出阳性的境外食品生产企业实施暂停其产品进口申报一周到四周的紧急预防性措施。在口岸环节开展预防性消毒工作

    As part of emergency preventive measures , the GAC suspends import declarations of foreign food makers whose products test positive for one to four weeks .

  4. 财政部、海关总署、税务总局印发《关于海南自由贸易港原辅料“零关税”政策的通知》,该政策自2020年12月1日起执行。

    According to Notice on the Hainan Free Trade Port 's Zero-Tariff Policy for Raw and Auxiliary Materials , jointly issued by the Ministry of Finance , the General Administration of Customs and the State Taxation Administration , the zero-tariff policy went into effect on December 1 , 2020 .

  5. 逃税并将钱留在英国的人,将得到与英国税务及海关总署(revenue&customs)针对将钱藏匿在海外的人发布的“海外披露措施”(offshoredisclosurefacility)类似的待遇。

    People who have evaded tax and kept their money in Britain will be offered a deal similar to the " offshore disclosure facility " announced by revenue & Customs for people who have hidden money abroad .

  6. 在上周发布的一份说明文件中,英国税务及海关总署(hmrevenueandcustoms)表示,新税法适用于“可征税公司”“在英国履行全部或部分”银行业职责的员工。

    In an explanatory document released last week , HM Revenue and customs said the levy would apply to employees of a " taxable company " who perform banking duties " wholly or partly in the UK " .

  7. 英国工作与养老金部,英国税务海关总署,驾驶员和车辆协会和国民医疗服务体系都是是公务体系中已经承认Mx称谓的机构。

    The Department for Work and Pensions , HM Revenue and Customs , the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency and the NHS are among those public bodies now accepting the Mx title .

  8. 英国税务海关总署(HMRevenue&Customs)的估计表明,苏格兰对中国的纺织品出口即将创下历史新高,2013年前九个月的销售达到近970万英镑,超过上年全年总额。

    Estimates from HM Revenue & Customs indicate that exports of textiles from Scotland to China are about to hit a record high , after sales in the first nine months in 2013 reached nearly £ 9.7m - outstripping the total for the previous year .

  9. 根据中国海关总署(GeneralAdministrationofCustoms)数据,在截至3月底的一年里,猪肉进口增幅达90%,达到创纪录的28.6093万吨,但这仍只占中国猪肉总消费量(去年达到5700多万吨)的很小一部分。

    As a result , imports are surging , up 90 per cent in the year to end-March to a record 286093 metric tonnes , according to figures from the General Administration of Customs - still a sliver of total pork consumption nationwide , which last year came in at more than 57bn tonnes .

  10. 英国税务海关总署(HMRevenueCustoms)的估计表明,苏格兰对中国的纺织品出口即将创下历史新高,2013年前九个月的销售达到近970万英镑,超过上年全年总额。

    Estimates from HM Revenue Customs indicate that exports of textiles from Scotland to China are about to hit a record high , after sales in the first nine months in 2013 reached nearly & # 163 ; 9.7m – outstripping the total for the previous year .

  11. 在对SAS提供的各种数据挖掘工具和方法比较之后,选择了适合本课题需要的方法应用于海关总署直属海关执法评估系统的开发项目中,并取得了满意的结果。

    After comparing all kinds of tools for data mining provided by SAS , we select methods adapt to the task , and all these algorithm is applied in the project of General Custom for customs directly under General Custom to execute the law and evaluate work .

  12. 英国税务及海关总署(HMRC)将向200家打广告招收无薪实习的企业发出警告。如果他们被发现违反国家最低工资法,他们可能会被公开点名批评并处以5000英镑的罚款。

    HM Revenue and Customs ( HMRC ) will warn 200 businesses who have advertised placements for unpaid internships that they could be publicly named and shamed and may be liable for a £ 5,000 fine if they are found to be in breach of national minimum wage laws .

  13. 英国税务及海关总署(HMRC)将向200家打广告招收无薪实习的企业发出警告。如果他们被发现违反国家最低工资法,他们可能会“被公开点名批评”并处以5000英镑的罚款。

    HM Revenue and Customs ( HMRC ) will warn 200 businesses who have advertised placements for unpaid internships that they could be " publicly named and shamed " and may be liable for a £ 5000 fine if they are found to be in breach of national minimum wage laws .

  14. 海关总署允许免税进口几种外国货。

    The customs bureau accepts certain foreign exports free of duty .

  15. 现任海关总署署长牟新生。

    Customs Commissioner First Class , Second Class and Third Class ;

  16. 海关总署是负责阻止这些飞机飞行的。

    The Customs Service is responsible for stopping these flights .

  17. 具体办法由海关总署另行规定。

    The detailed measures will be worked out by the Customs General Administration .

  18. 中华人民共和国海关总署

    People 's Republic of China General Administration of Customs

  19. 海关总署决定适用本办法的其他海关事务。

    Other customs affairs that the GAC decides these Measures shall apply to .

  20. 具有中国海关总署颁发的报关员资格证书。

    Qualified Customs Clearance Officer with valid certificate issued by the Chinese Customs Department .

  21. 本办法由海关总署发布施行。

    These Measures shall be promulgated and put into effect by the General Customs Administration .

  22. 适用汇率的日期由海关总署规定。

    The date of foreign exchange applicable will be specified by the Customs General Administration .

  23. 重大、复杂的案件,可以由海关总署指定管辖。

    For grave and complex cases , the General Administration of Customs shall designate jurisdiction .

  24. 有关具体免税办法由海关总署拟定。

    Specific procedures on duties exemption shall be prepared by the General Administration of customs .

  25. 英国税务及海关总署的年度报告数字是根据综合住户统计调查得出的。

    The figures in HMRC 's annual report are based on the General Household Survey .

  26. 海关总署编辑和出版的《中国海关统计》(季刊)。

    " China 's Customs Statistics ( Quarterly )", edited and published by the Customs .

  27. 中国海关总署表示,出口较上年同期增长了14%。

    The General Administration of Customs says exports have increased 14 percent year-on-year in December .

  28. 海关总署副署长龚正视察,盛赞苏州高新区出口加工区取得的成绩。

    Vice Director of China Customs , Mr Gongzheng is investigating SND-EPZ and praising the achievements .

  29. 中国海关总署将实施对知识产权的保护措施。

    The main bureau of china 's customs will implement protective measures for intellectual property rights .

  30. 税务及海关总署不能答复的每封电子邮件,但在每个行动所收到的报告。

    HMRC cannot reply to every email , but action is taken on each report received .