
hǎi ɡuān jiān ɡuǎn qū
  • customs supervision and control zone;customs surveillance and control zone
  1. 在海关监管区外存放海关监管货物,应当经海关同意,并接受海关监管。

    The storage of goods under Customs control at a place outside the customs surveillance zone shall be approved by the customs and subject to customs control .

  2. 出口货物发货人、受委托的报关企业应当在货物运抵海关监管区后、装货的二十四小时以前向海关申报。

    The consignor of import goods and the agent declaration enterprises shall declare to the customs after the goods arrive at the custody area of the customs but24 hours before loading .

  3. 在海关监管区外存放海关监管货物,应当经海关同意,并接受海关监管。巴塞尔文件与我国银行表外业务监管

    The storage of goods under Customs control at a place outside the Customs surveillance zone shall be approved by the Customs and subject to Customs control . Papers Issued by Basle Committee and Supervision of Off-Balance Sheet Activities in China

  4. 对需进入海关监管区抽样的,口岸药品检验所应当与海关联系抽样事宜,并征得海关同意。

    If the port drug inspection office has to fetch samples in the supervisory area of the customs , the port drug inspection office shall contact the customs about the matters related to the sampling , and shall obtain the consent of the customs .

  5. 海关特殊监管区是我国在经济发展过程中的一种体制上的突破和创新。

    Special Customs Supervision Zones are one of the breakthroughs and innovation of the institution in the process of economic development in China .