
hǎi yánɡ zī yuán
  • marine resources;ocean resources
  1. 绿色GDP与我国海洋资源可持续开发

    Green-GDP and sustainable development of marine resources in China

  2. 自主式水下航行器(AUV)对于人类开发海洋资源十分重要,作为关键部件的推进器一般采用螺旋桨和叶轮原理,存在机械效率低、噪音大、机动运动性差等缺点。

    Autonomous underwater vehicles ( AUV ) are quite important for the human being to develop the marine resources .

  3. 高精度差分GPS技术在海洋资源调查中的应用

    The application and Discussion on high accuracy differential GPS in marine resource investigation

  4. 我国领海广阔,海洋资源丰富,开展SAR图像舰船检测研究具有重要意义。

    Our motherland has large ocean which is full of resources . It is of grate significance in developing ship detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) image .

  5. 我国海洋资源开发活动中存在的问题与建议

    Problems in exploitation and adaptability Countermeasures in sea areas of China

  6. 积极开发海洋资源建设海洋经济强国

    Extracting Marine Resources Energetically for Building a Power of Marine Economy

  7. 海洋资源开发技术发展趋势及我国的发展重点

    Development in Marine Resources Development Technology and China 's Strategic Focus

  8. 保护海洋资源,人人有责。

    Protect the Marine resources , is everybody 's business .

  9. 广西海洋资源概况及开发刍议

    Introduce on survey and suggestion of development of marine resources in Guangxi

  10. 21世纪的海洋资源及分类新论

    A Reconsideration of Marine Resources and Their Classification for the 21st Century

  11. 中国海洋资源现状及海洋产业发展趋势分析

    Current Situation and Development Trend of Marine Industry in China

  12. 营口市海洋资源可持续开发研究

    Research on Sustainable Exploitation of Marine Resources in Yingkou City

  13. 粤西海洋资源开发及产业化战略构想

    Strategy for Developing and Industrializing Ocean Resources in West Guangdong

  14. 海洋资源会计:基础·规范·核算

    Ocean resources accounting : Basis · standards · business accounting

  15. 亚太地区的海洋资源保护组织

    The Organizations for Marine Resources Protection in Asian - Pacific

  16. 河北省海洋资源及海洋产业匹配分析

    Analysing Oceanic Resources Matching to Oceanic Industries of Hebei Province

  17. 遥感和地理信息系统技术在江苏省海洋资源监测中的应用

    Application of RS and GIS in Jiangsu Marine Resources Survey

  18. 国际珊瑚礁倡议:养护和有效管理海洋资源

    International Coral Reef Initiative : for conservation and effective management of marine resources

  19. 海洋资源与海洋生态保护

    Resources of Sea and Oceans and Marine Ecology Protection

  20. 大连市海洋资源与功能区划

    Division of marine resources and functions of Dalian City

  21. 海洋资源衰退令人担忧;

    The worrisome decline of seas and oceans resources ;

  22. 海洋资源核算理论及其方法研究

    On the Theories and Methods of Ocean Resources Accounting

  23. 营口市海洋资源开发的现状与对策

    The current situation for exploiting marine resources in Yingkou City and its tactics

  24. 略论海洋资源开发的走势

    A Brief Discussion on Trend of Marine Resource Exploitation

  25. 2加强对海洋资源的综合开发;

    Strengthen the comprehensive exploitation of the marine resources ;

  26. 第五部分为海洋资源侵权制度的纠纷解决机制。

    Fifth part of the tort system for marine resources , dispute resolution mechanisms .

  27. 依托海洋资源发展海洋产业&兼论海洋经济的评价指标

    Developing Marine Industry upon Marine Resources ─ On the Evaluation Index of Marine Economy

  28. 海洋资源的开发利用和环境保护问题的探讨

    Discuss of the Exploitation and Use of Oceanic Resources and the Protection of Environment

  29. 发展科学技术开发海洋资源&海水化学资源专题座谈会在连云港召开

    The Symposium on marine resource chemistry Lian Yungang

  30. 我们的海洋资源能大量增加优质蛋白质的供应。

    Our marine resources could yield a vastly increased supply of high quality protein .