
jiāo méi
  • coking coal;charred coal
焦煤 [jiāo méi]
  • [coking coal] 也称主焦煤,是一种供炼焦用的烟煤。这种煤结焦性强,单独炼出的焦强度高,但块大不易出焦

焦煤[jiāo méi]
  1. 美国钢铁公司(USSteel)公布的第四季度利润低于华尔街预期。该公司表示,由于铁矿石和焦煤等大宗商品价格上涨,其销货成本飙升了23%。

    US Steel reported fourth-quarter profits below Wall Street expectations , as it said its cost of goods sold surged by 23 per cent because of increased prices for commodities such as iron ore and coking coal .

  2. 美国矿业公司皮博迪能源(PeabodyEnergy)估计,去年中国进口了3500万吨炼焦煤,远高于2008年的700万吨。

    Peabody Energy , the US-based miner , estimates that China imported 35m tonnes of coking coal last year , up from 7m tonnes in 2008 .

  3. ArchCoalInc.将自己今年焦煤产量的预期下调了21%。

    Arch Coal Inc. trimmed its metallurgical coal production estimate by 21 % this year .

  4. 试验表明,对于混合燃料,随焦煤比增大,N2O排放浓度增高;

    It indicates from the experiments that with increasing in the ratio of petroleum coke over coal , N_2 O emission concentration rises .

  5. 通过煤质改性提高非炼焦煤在炼焦过程中用量的试验研究炼焦过程中多环芳烃与NOx产生的相关性

    Study on Increasing the Usage of Non-coking Coal in Coke-Making by Adding Coal Modifying Additive into Coal Blend EMITTING RELATIVITY OF POLYCYLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS AND NO_x IN COKING

  6. 作为一种被称为“粉煤”(pulverisedcoal)的焦煤品种的领先出口商,麦克阿瑟从煤价不断上涨中受益匪浅。

    MacArthur , which is the leading exporter of a coking coal variety known as pulverised coal , has benefited from rising coal prices .

  7. 对于不同焦煤比的燃料,随着一次风率的增大,N2O排放浓度增高。随过量空气系数增大,N2O的排放浓度增加。

    It is shown from experimental results that for all fuel mixtures with the primary air fraction , the excess air coefficient and the Ca / S ratio increasing , N_2O concentration rises .

  8. 永晖焦煤和丸红的出价为每股grandecache股票10加元,是其近期交易价的两倍以上。

    Winsway and Marubeni have offered C $ 10 for each Grande cache share , or more than double its recent average trading level .

  9. 龙腾矿业(LLEnergyInc.)&Glaucus2011年8月发布报告说,这家在纳斯达克上市的中国焦煤生产商伪造销售额数据,对一些资产估值过高,其披露的一些收购也并不存在。

    LL Energy Inc. & Glaucus claimed in a report released in August 2011 that the Nasdaq-listed Chinese coking coal producer fabricated sales and overvalued some of its assets , and that some acquisitions didn 't exist .

  10. 添加1/3焦煤可提高活性炭的微孔容积、总孔容积和BET表面积,但中孔容积会降低;

    Once the 1 / 3 coking coal was added into the AC , the samples would have higher V micro , total porous volume and S BET , but lower V meso ;

  11. 弗吉尼亚布里斯托尔的AlphaNaturalResourcesInc.有很大一部分利润来自焦煤业务。该公司本月早些时候表示将裁员1200人,相当于员工总数的9.2%。

    Earlier this month , Alpha Natural Resources Inc. , of Bristol , Va. , which derives a large share of its profits from metallurgical coal , said it was cutting 1,200 jobs , or 9.2 % of its workforce .

  12. 自去年起,随着钢铁产量大幅飙升,铁矿石和炼焦煤价格也翻了一番,推高了必和必拓及其竞争对手力拓(RioTinto)和巴西淡水河谷(ValeofBrazil)的盈利能力。

    The price of iron ore and coking coal has doubled since last year as steel production surged , boosting the profitability of BHP Billiton and rivals Rio Tinto and Vale of Brazil .

  13. 当添加HDPE、LDPE、PP时,焦煤的焦油收率增加,热解水收率下降,但添加PS时的情况正相反;

    When HDPE , LDPE or PP was added into TC , the tar yield of pure TC increased and the water yields decreased . However , for waste PS , the case was just the opposite .

  14. COREX工艺是当代冶金工业的炼铁前沿技术,可以使用铁矿和非焦煤生产出优质铁水。

    COREX process , known as an advanced technology of metallurgical industry presently , can use iron ore and non-coking coal to produce high quality hot metal .

  15. COREX是用非炼焦煤与氧气的熔融还原炼铁法,取代传统的高炉、焦炉、烧结组成的炼铁系统。

    COREX ironmaking means that conventional ironmaking system with blast furnace , coke oven and sintering circuit is replaced by melting reduction ironmaking with non-coking coal and oxygen .

  16. COREX流程使用非焦煤资源作为主体燃料,从根本上改善了炼铁工业的能源结构,其优势日渐显著。

    COREX process uses non-coking coal as the main fuel . The structure of energy sources is improved thoroughly . The advantage of COREX process is faded in .

  17. COREX流程是目前世界上以非炼焦煤为主要还原剂,能大规模生产铁水的成熟工艺;

    At present , the COREX process is the only technology existing on an industrial scale which directly produces hot metal from ore and non-coking coal as reductant ;

  18. 仅一年前,Patriot还录得了创纪录的营收和运营利润,并正在启动一项“焦煤增产”计划,以开采新的焦煤煤矿,增聘最多200名矿工。

    Only a year ago Patriot was posting record revenue and operating earnings and embarking on a plan called the ' Met Built-Out ' to open new metallurgical mines and hire up to 200 new miners .

  19. 该公司首席执行长克拉奇菲尔德(KevinCrutchfield)说,尽管眼下市场有些疲软,我们有着非常有价值的焦煤业务,我们正寄希望于此。

    ' While it 's a bit soft now , we have a very valuable metallurgical coal franchise , and we 're hitching our wagon to it , ' said Alpha Chief Executive Kevin Crutchfield .

  20. COREX熔融还原炼铁工艺采用非炼焦煤直接炼铁,缩短了工艺流程,减轻了炼铁工业对环境的污染,生产过程产生的大量优质煤气可以用于生产热压块。

    The COREX process for hot metal has been known as an advanced technology due to the use of non-coke coal which can shorten the production route , greatly lighten pollution of iron making process , and offgas can be used for production of HBI .

  21. 介绍了LWZ1200×1800型沉降过滤式离心脱水机的工作原理和技术特征及其在新疆焦煤集团选煤厂中用于精煤泥双段脱水回收流程中的工艺效果。

    The working principle and technical characteristics of LWZ1200 × 1800 screen-bowl centrifuge are introduced . In the washing plant of Xinjiang Coking Coal Group Corporation Ltd. , the technologic effects of the centrifuge in coal slime two step dewatering and recovery flow are discussed .

  22. 炼焦煤洗煤厂利润仿真优化

    The Simulation and Optimization of Profits of Coking Coal Preparation Plants

  23. 变质程度达气肥煤、焦煤;

    Metamorphic grade is up to gas-fat coal and coking coal ;

  24. 溶剂抽提法制取炼焦煤粘结剂的研究

    Research on the binder OTF of coking coal by solvent extraction

  25. 永晖焦煤和丸红已经跻身于最大出口客户之列。

    Winsway and Marubeni are already among its biggest export customers .

  26. 等离子发射光谱法测定焦煤灰分中的主要元素与微量元素

    Determination of main and trace elements in coal ash by ICP-AES

  27. 炼焦煤性质对焦炭热性能影响研究探讨

    The Effect Study of Coking Coal Qualities on Coke Thermal Property

  28. 山西焦煤集团市场竞争战略分析与选择

    Shanxi Coking Coal Group Market Competitive Strategy Analysis and Choice

  29. 焦煤中添加废塑料和脱硫剂的焦化过程研究

    Research on coking process of coking-coal blended with plastic and sulfur sorbent

  30. 东北地区电厂焦煤解冻技术的综合评介

    Review of Frozen Coal Thawing Technology in Power Plant of Northeast Regions