
jié néng
  • energy conservation;economize on energy
节能 [jié néng]
  • [economize on energy] 在能源的利用上节约、不浪费

节能[jié néng]
  1. 更经济的节能技术在发达国家已经投入使用。

    Cheaper energy conservation techniques have been put into operation in the developed world .

  2. LED照明有着节能效果好、发光效率高、寿命长、绿色环保等特点,是未来最主要的照明光源。

    LED lighting has many advantages , such as energy conservation , high luminous efficiency , long life , green environmental protection .

  3. 节能十分重要。

    It is important to conserve energy .

  4. 一个节能灯泡也许就能减轻发电站的负荷。

    An efficient bulb may lighten the load of power stations

  5. 这些房屋将应用最新的节能技术。

    The houses will boast the latest energy-saving technology

  6. 一些极为节能的冰箱比传统型号耗电减少70%。

    Some of the most efficient refrigerators consume 70 percent less electricity than traditional models .

  7. 这款新车的可取之处在于低耗节能。

    This new car has the merit of low energy consumption .

  8. 第四,加强在节能、环保等方面的经验交流。

    Fourth , enhance exchanges of experience in improving energy efficiency and environment protection .

  9. 以白炽灯泡为例,它是目前许多环保主义者和节能倡导者所痛恨的对象。

    Consider the incandescent bulb , an object currently hated by many environmentalists and energy-efficiency advocates .

  10. 夏尔迪尼在圣地亚哥进行了一项研究,将写有节能信息的衣架挂在人们的门上。

    Cialdini conducted a study in San Diego in which coat hangers bearing messages about saving energy were hung on people 's doors .

  11. 他们那栋有两间卧室、1050平方英尺的巷屋既豪华又节能,简直就是为了满足他们的需要而设计的。

    For example : Their two-bedroom , 1050-square-foot laneway house is sleek2 and energy-efficient , and designed to meet their exact needs .

  12. 除了节能以外,改造再利用的另一个优点就是能够让那些传统循环方式无法回收处理的物品再次被利用。

    As well as being more energy efficient , another major benefit of upcycling is that it makes it possible to reuse items made of materials which couldn 't be dealt with by conventional recycling methods .

  13. 另一方面,数字节能的好处被低估了。报告的作者表示,与其给整个家供暖,不如安装数字控制器,这样你只需要给自己所在的房间供暖。

    On the other side are the underplayed benefits of digital to save energy : why heat your whole home , the authors ask , if you can fit digital controls , so you only heat the room you 're in ?

  14. 电子,节能,插座,LED灯。

    Electrical , save power , socket , LED light .

  15. PC钢丝矫直回火节能改造

    Transformation for Saving Energy in Straightening and Tempering PC Steel Wire

  16. 矿区GIS节能系统模型设计

    Mining Area GIS Energy-saving System Model Design

  17. TiO2光催化技术是一种节能、高效的绿色环保新技术。

    TiO_2 photocatalysis is an energy-saved and high efficiency green environmental technology .

  18. PTA气送袋式过滤器的控制及节能改进

    The amelioration for the control and energy saving of the PTA pneumatic bag filter

  19. SPF环境设施净化空调工程节能技术的探讨

    Discussion on Energy Saving Technology of the Purified Air-Conditioning System in SPF Environmental Establishment

  20. 进而根据CT炉热平衡试验和对节能因素原则的分析提出了提高CT炉节能潜力的措施。

    Through the thermal balance experiment of the CT furnace and analysis of five factors on energy-saving , this paper provides measures for improving the energy-saving potential of CT furnaces .

  21. 恒定功率因数节能方法在VVVF变频调速器中的应用

    Energy-saving Method of Constant Power Factor for a VVVF Inverter

  22. 两位日本科学家和一位日裔美籍科学家因发明节能的蓝色发光二极管(LED)共同获得2014年诺贝尔物理学奖。

    Two Japanese scientists and a Japanese-American have won the 2014 Nobel Prize for Physics for inventing a new energy-efficient light source , the blue light-emitting diode ( LED ) .

  23. 膜材在LOFT建筑节能设计中的应用设想

    The Conceives of Membrane Application in Energy Saving Design of LOFT Architecture

  24. 公司主要生产LED节能产品,LED节能灯,定时器电池灯,LED汽车灯,可代客开发,IC编程,IC销售。

    The company mainly produces LED energy-saving products , LED energy saving lamps , timer battery lights , LED car light , can valet development , IC programming , IC sales .

  25. 西门子APOGEE技术在上海汽车博物馆的节能应用

    Introduction of Siemens APOGEE Energy Conservation Application in Shanghai Car Museum

  26. 中央政府急于在年底前实现年度节能减排目标单位国内生产总值(gdp)能耗减少20%。

    Beijing is rushing to meet its energy saving target by the end of this year a 20 per cent reduction in energy use per unit of gross domestic product .

  27. 程序在IBM-PC微机上实现多元回归模型对郑州铝厂节能技术改造的决策分析。

    It is programmed in IBM-PC computer to construct polynomial regression model for saving energy resource in Zhengzhou Aluminum Company .

  28. 由于EMC向客户承诺和保证节能量,因此实际上EMC为客户承担了节能项目的风险。

    As a result of EMC to customer pledge and guarantee festival energy , therefore EMC was in fact the customer has undertaken the energy conservation project risk .

  29. 锅炉风机节能研究:YT型液粘调速离合器的应用

    Investigation of Boiler Fans Energy - saving : The Application of YT-type Liquid Viscosity Speed Regulation Clutch

  30. 世界贸易组织(WTO)一专家委员会维持了有关中国限制稀土出口违反贸易规则的裁决。稀土用于高科技产品,包括混合动力汽车、手机、风力发电机和节能灯。

    A World Trade Organisation panel has upheld a ruling that China broke trade rules by restricting exports of rare earths , minerals used in high-tech products , including hybrid cars , mobile phones , wind turbines and energy-efficient lighting .