
  • 网络economizing government
  1. 节约型政府构建的路径分析

    The Path Analysis of Constructing an Economizing Government

  2. 建立节约型政府是建立节约型社会的关键。

    To build an economizing government is the key factor for the building of an economizing society .

  3. 节约型政府模式的选择有其必然性。

    There is necessity in the selection of resource-efficient government pattern .

  4. 节约型政府视野下我国政府行政成本研究

    A Study on Chinese Administrative Cost from the View of Saving-type Government

  5. 一般意义上的节约型政府是指政府在能源、资源等方面的节约。

    Economy government usually means saving on energy 、 resource and so on .

  6. 政府管理活动中的诸多浪费现象也与国务院倡导节约型政府建设相悖。

    Many wasteful government activities contrary to advocate the construction of a conservation-oriented government .

  7. 建设节约型政府,关键是节约行政成本。

    To set saving type of government , the crux is to save administrative cost .

  8. 节约型政府建设的路径分析

    Route Analysis on the Saving Type Government

  9. 论节约型政府建设

    On the Construction of Economy Government

  10. 发展廉价政府理论构建节约型政府

    A Study on the Development of the Theory of Inexpensive Government and the Establishment of Resource-efficient Government

  11. 我国节约型政府的构建有着绵延的文化思想根基。

    The construction of an economizing government in China has a cultural and ideological basis of long history .

  12. 节约型政府构建是节约型社会建设的题中之义。

    The establishment of economical government is one of the most important aspects in founding the economical society .

  13. 关于控制行政管理成本建设节约型政府的思考政府行政成本的内在机理:省管县与市管县财政体制比较

    Inner Mechanism of Government Administrative Cost : Compare Direct Provincial Supervision of County Finance with Municipal Supervision County Finance

  14. 文章首先以公共财政理论引入对节约型政府构建的探讨;

    In this paper , public finance theory is used for the research on the construction of " economy government " .

  15. 节约型政府的核心内涵包括四个方面:节约、循环经济、廉洁高效和以民为本。

    The essential connotation of economizing government including four aspects : economy , circular economy , probity and high efficiency , human-based .

  16. 马克思的廉价政府理论与我国节约型政府建设

    A Study on the Theory of " Economical Government " by Karl Marx and the Establishment of Resource-efficient Government in Our Country

  17. 建设节约型政府体现了现代公共行政的价值取向,是建设节约型社会的关键。

    The construction of economy government implies the value trend of the modern public administration and is the key of constructing economy society .

  18. 建设节约型政府必须以制度创新为重点,采取以下措施加以推进。

    In order to Constructing an economized government , we must focus on innovation of the system and take the following measures to promote .

  19. 构建廉价政府与建设廉明政府、节约型政府、透明政府、服务型政府是密不可分的。

    Constructs the inexpensive government and building a clean-fingered government , a conservation-oriented government , a transparent government , a service-oriented government is inseparable .

  20. 本文先从廉洁型政府、务实型政府、生态型政府这个三视角对节约型政府的本质进行阐述;

    This text explains the essence of the saving type government from three visual angles of clean government , practical governments , environmental governments first .

  21. 如果把节约型政府比作一座大楼,那么,支撑这座大楼的四根支柱就是以上四种政府理念和形态。

    If compare the economizing government to a mansion , the four roots pay pillar that props up this mansion is the four government principle and appearances .

  22. 当前构建节约型政府既有全球化节约语境、源于西方并在我国蔓延的消费主义以及西方契约理论的影响;

    At present the construction of an economizing government is affected by global economical environment , expense principle and society contract theory spreading in China from the west .

  23. 因此,研讨行政管理支出的合理范围,不仅有助于节约型政府的构建,其对构建资源节约性社会也有积极意义。

    Therefore , to research administrative expenses on a reasonable scale , not only help to save the government building , but also help to construct a resource-saving society .

  24. 因此,建设节约型政府必然成为节约型社会构建的关键,也是政府推行行政体制改革,形成高效廉洁,服务型政府的重点。

    Therefore , building a conservation-oriented government is the key to the conservation-oriented society , and it is also the focus for carrying out administrative system reform and building efficient , clean and service-oriented government .

  25. 从廉价政府、有效政府、有限政府、法治政府四方面探讨节约型政府的定位,为节约型政府的构建提供目标导向;

    This article analyzes the fixed position of an economizing government from four aspects : cheap government , limited government , effective government and legal government , in order to provide the target direction for constructing the economizing government .

  26. 接着提出了选题的意义,降低政府行政成本对于政府提高效率、公信力,建设节约型政府,促进经济发展,构建和谐社会具有重要的意义。

    Then presented the significance of the topic . Reduce government administrative costs for the Government to enhance efficiency , credibility , build a conservation-oriented government , promote economic development , building a harmonious society is of great significance .

  27. 当前我国建构节约型政府基于特定历史场景:后现代主义的忧思、对落后发展观的反思和建设服务型政府的运思。

    The proposal of constructing a resource-efficient government in China is based on the following historical scenes : the concerns of post-modernism , the meditation on the backward perspective of development , and the thoughts about the establishment of a public service oriented government .

  28. 本文在阐述节约型政府内涵的基础上,从制度的视角分析了导致行政成本高居不下的制度原因,并探索了一条构建节约型政府的有效制度路径。

    This article in elaborated " economy government " in the connotation foundation analyzed from the system angle of view has caused the administrative cost high could not occupy the system reason , and explored to construct the economy government the effective system way .

  29. 同时,节约型政府也是科学发展观与和谐社会的内在要求和必然选择,节约型社会的构建是节约型政府范式的直接动因。

    At the same time , the economizing government is the inherent need of a harmonious society and the inevitable choice of the notion of scientific development , and the foundation of the economizing society is the direct cause of the economizing government paradigm .

  30. 加快建设节约型政府,需要树立节约意识和效益观念,提高科学决策能力,转变政府职能,降低行政成本,同时加强资源节约的法制建设。

    Constructing an economizing government need the sense of economy and benefit , and enhance the ability of scientific making-decision , transform the governmental function , reduce the administrative cost , and at the same time need enhance the building of law of resource economy .