
  • 网络rational government
  1. 理性政府下的货币危机及其传染

    Currency Crises and their Contagion under Rational Government Assumption

  2. 在理性政府的假设下,货币危机均衡具有多重性、唯一性以及传染性。

    Under the assumption of rational government , the paper discusses the multiplicity and uniqueness of currency crises equilibrium and the contagion of currency crises .

  3. 作为非理性政府的理性代言,他成了政府的推动者。

    By serving as the rational face of an irrational administration , he had become its enabler .

  4. 通过建立理性政府与有限理性开发商群体的进化博弈模型,分析了政府选择财政政策激励力度的理论依据。

    Through establish evolutionary game model with rationality between government and developers , analyze the theory basis of government selecting incentive degree of fiscal policy .

  5. 一方面,必须解决国家基层行政组织官僚化不足的问题,进行理性政府的建设;另一方面,也必须加大社会治理力度,推进自组织的治理。

    On the one hand , we must solve the sufficient of bureaucratization of basic administrative organization in China , and construct the rational government . On the other hand , we must enforce social self-organizing governance .

  6. 我国干部任免制度和理性政府的存在是开发区低地价形成的前提,而地方政府的非合作博弈则是低地价形成的主要路径。

    The system of leader appointment and the rational government is the precondition in the form of lower land price . And the non-cooperate of local government is the main way for the form of lower land price .

  7. 文章还在理性政府的假设下,用最优停止理论解释了政府在什么情况下会放弃固定汇率,构造了货币危机的最优停止模型,并用这个模型解释了理性政府假设下的货币危机传染现象。

    Under the assumption of rational government , the paper builds a optimal stopping currency crises model , which applies optimal stopping theory to explaining of the condition that make government abandon fixed exchange-rate regime , and currency crises contagion is explained by the model .

  8. 一个理性的政府应该选择与公众建立良好的政治互动关系。

    A rational government should establish a good political interaction relation with the public .

  9. 经济发展中的政府干预是一把双刃剑,理性界定政府干预的行为导向十分重要。

    The government intervention of economic development is a double edged sword , and its rational limit is very important .

  10. 我国分散经营的农业生产体系,造成了在农业环境保护问题上农户个人理性与政府理性的矛盾;

    The agricultural production system of decentralized management has caused conflict between peasant household 's personal reason and government 's reason on agricultural environmental protection . It is very difficult to answer this question : Government or corporations ?

  11. 同时,公司治理结构不健全、二级市场微观结构不合理、投资者低素质造成的投资非理性以及政府行政干预行为等都严重地影响着直接融资绩效。

    Meanwhile , the performance of direct financing is also badly influenced by imperfect conditions of corporate governance structure , unreasonable microstructure of secondary market , irrational investment due to low quality of investors , and government intervention .

  12. 因此,面对入世后的各种挑战,理性的政府必须及时培养各种能力,适应市场经济全球化和国际规则,改革和调整政府职能。

    Therefore , confronting with challenges of all kinds , a rational government must train all sorts of abilities in time , adapt to the globalization of market economy and international regulations , reform and adjust government function .

  13. 传播的碎片化,谣言的盛行,用户的不理性,政府公信力的低下等使这个公共舆论平台还不尽完善,这些问题都是我们要尽量规避和尽快解决的。

    The fragmentation of dissemination , the prevalence of rumors , the lack of rationality in discussion and expression , and the low credibility of the government make this Platform not yet perfected . We must avoid and resolve these issues as soon as possible .

  14. 提出以逻辑函数及其组合作为理性人及政府策略的映象,XOR问题作为模型中政府与投资人之间博弈过程的映象,模拟了整个场馆建设引资过程。

    Logic function is mentioned to map the rational person and the government 's policy , and the XOR problem maps the game course between the government and the investors . Then , the whole investment process of gymnasium construction is modeled .

  15. 只有通过制度创新的途径才能解决实际存在的问题,建设更为合乎理性的电子政府。

    We can solve the practical problems by system innovations and can build a more rational electronic government .

  16. 理性的地方政府投资行为能带动经济一个长期稳定的发展并能配合中央人民银行货币政策的宏观调控,但事实似乎没有这么乐观。

    The rational investment of local government will lead to the long-term stable development of economy , but the fact is not so optimistic .

  17. 但作为地方政府,上受中央政府管制,下受经济实力和公众需求约束,在如何理性地变革政府管理模式上处于两难境地。

    But as the local government , which is regulated by the central government on one hand and restrained by the economic strength and public needs on the other , falls into a dilemma on how to rationally reform the government management model .

  18. 研究表明,农户微观理性行为与政府利益的冲突是我国水稻产业发展中的利益失衡的表现,而水稻经营收益较低则主要受制于生产成本及国家水稻价格政策的间歇性与非持续性。

    The results show that the conflicts of peasants and government are economic performance of the interest imbalance in the development of rice industry , and meanwhile , lower income of rice was mainly reflected in the cost of production and national grain price policy on intermittent .

  19. 坚持科学分析和理性探讨,影响政府决策人。

    And influencing government decision-makers through scientific analysis and rational inquiry .

  20. 本文旨在研究禁烟运动及其与财政之间错综复杂的关系,理性审视了清政府在新政过程中禁烟与财政的两难困境,以期对晚清的新政研究有所推进。

    This paper studies the opium abolition movement and the complicated relation between it and finance , rationally research the .

  21. 最后,用保障制度来巩固成果,即理性划定和界定政府责任的范围和内容。

    Finally , the security system ensures to consolidate the results , rational delimitation and demarcation of the scope and content of government responsibility .

  22. 根据公共选择理论,政府是理性经济人,政府制定经济决策的目标是追求其私利的最大化。

    According to Public Choice Theory , government is a rational economic man , whose goal of formulating economic policy is to gain the maximum private interests .

  23. 只有在民营资本足够理性的情况下政府通过生态效益补偿才能提高长沙市城市湿地生态服务功能的供给效率。

    Only in condition that private capital was enough rational can government improve supply efficiency of ecological service function of urban wetland of Changsha by ecological benefit compensation .

  24. 在现行制度和法律所容许的范围内最大限度地谋求利益是理性的企业和政府的现实选择。

    It is rational enterprises and the government 's realistic choice to seek the interests to the maximum extent in the current regulations and range permitted of law .

  25. 第三部分分析政府理性是什么:政府理性的概念、特点和功能这是文章的逻辑平台。

    Part III analyzes what government 's reason is : the concept , characteristic and function of the government 's reason . This is the logic platform of the article .

  26. 政府是经济决策的主导力量,作为理性经济人,政府有追求自身利益最大化的动机和目标。

    The government is a dominant force in making the economic policy . As a rational economic man , the government has the motivation and the goal to realize its maximum private interests .

  27. 第二部分从地方政府的职能,机构等方面结合地方政府的实际环境理性分析了地方政府效能低下的原因。

    The second part of the combination of the physical environment of the local government from the functions of local government institutions rational analysis of the reasons for the poor performance of local government .

  28. 行政许可法的立法宗旨和意义不仅在于规范政府治理社会的行政行为,建设有限、理性、负责的政府,更在于扩大市民社会自由、自主的空间。

    Its legislative principle and significance lies in the broadening of the space of freedom and autonomy of the citizen society in addition to regulating the administrative branch 's executive behaviors and constructing a limited , rational , responsible government .

  29. 要构建社会主义和谐社会必须弘扬政府理性,构建理性政府,通过创新政府管理理念和管理体制,实现政府再造,为构建和谐社会提供强有力的制度保障。

    So it 's necessary to promote the government 's rationality and build a reasonable government for building harmonious socialist society . And a strong guarantee system must be provided for constructing a harmonious society by innovating the government 's administrative concepts and structure .

  30. 具体标准是实现政府交易成本降低、政府理性得到增强、政府行为有效且有限、政府义务教育服务水平提高等。

    Specific criteria is that to realize the goal of reducing transaction costs and enhancing the rationality of government , the Government is enhanced , with the standard of limited but effective government actions and the increase of government service levels in compulsory education .