
  • 网络Theoretical informatics
  1. 理论信息学:信息时代中进化论的理论基础

    Theoretical Informatics as the theoretical base of " evolutionism " in information era

  2. 论理论信息学中的信息定义及其在医学信息学中的理解我国医学信息学研究论文的计量分析

    Definition of information in theoretical informatics and its understanding in medical informatics Bibliometric Analysis on Medical Informatics Research Papers in China

  3. 档案双元价值观的信息哲学依据探寻&从理论信息学中信息产生和本质谈起

    The Information Philosophy Foundation on Archival Dualistic Value & from the Essence and Emergence of Information

  4. 理论信息学不仅是整个信息科学大厦的基础理论,也是系统科学和生命科学的理论基础。

    The theoretical informatics is not only a basic theory of informatics but also is a foundation of systematic sciences and life sciences .

  5. 当前,在发展信息时代进化论的过程中,尤其需要理论信息学给予理论上的解释和科学合理性的说明。

    At present , during the development of information evolutionism , especially to make clear and account for theoretically from the angel of theoretic informatics .

  6. 本论文共有五部分,包括序言、量子纠缠的发展历程、量子纠缠理论、量子信息学、结束语。

    This thesis has five parts , includes the preface , the development process of the quantum 's entanglement , the theories of the quantum 's entanglement , quantum informatics , end .

  7. 随着信息技术和量子力学的发展,以量子力学的基本原理和规律为理论基础的量子信息学逐渐形成。

    With the development of information technique and quantum mechanics , a new subject & quantum information theory , which based on the law of quantum mechanics , comes into being .

  8. 本文阐述了创立文献信息学的必要性、研究对象及学科理论体系和文献信息学创立的认识论基础,并就如何为文献信息学的建立创造良好的环境提出了设想。

    This article narrates the necessary of establishing the document informatics , its objects and system , the basis of its theory of knowledge , and puts forward the tentative plan of how to setting up the environment for establishing the document informatics .

  9. 以可持续理论、系统科学理论、信息学理论、管理学理论、经济学理论为指导,调查了广州市社会经济、自然地理、城市林业与信息安全现状。

    As guidance with sustainable theory , scientific theory of the system , informatics theory , management theory , economics theory , investigate Guangzhou city society economic , physical geography , urban forestry and current situation of information safety .