
  • 网络Discrete Event System;DES;DEVS;deds
  1. 综上所述,本文对离散事件系统的Petri网控制器做了一定的研究,设计出的控制器有结构型的,也有逻辑型的。

    As mentioned above , this thesis makes some studies to the Petri net controller of the DES , the controller designed here both have structural controller and logical controller .

  2. 离散事件系统监控与状态反馈方法的等价性

    The equivalence between supervisory control and state feedback method in Des

  3. 用JAVA编制离散事件系统模拟软件原型

    Discrete event system simulation software prototype using JAVA

  4. 文章将microsoftexcel应用于离散事件系统仿真中。

    This paper applies Microsoft Excel to a Discrete-Event System Simulation .

  5. 用MATLAB对离散事件系统进行仿真

    The Simulation of DEVS by MATLAB

  6. 离散事件系统的面向对象实时时态着色Petri网模型

    Object-Oriented Real Time Temporal Colored Petri Nets Model for Discrete Event Dynamic Systems

  7. EXCEL在离散事件系统仿真中的应用研究

    Application Research of Excel in a Discrete-Event System Simulation

  8. 基于赋色Petri网的离散事件系统矩阵模型与仿真

    A Colored Petri Net Based Matrix Model for Discrete Event System Modeling and Simulation

  9. 基于逻辑层次的离散事件系统建模工具包括有限状态自动机和Petri网。

    In logical aspects , its models include finite state machine and Petri nets .

  10. 基于Markov模型的离散事件系统稳态与暂态的分析

    Research on steady states and transient states of Discrete Event System based on Markov model

  11. 离散事件系统的Petri网图仿真

    Petri net simulation of discrete event system

  12. 本文用受控Petri网为具有并发事件的离散事件系统建模。

    This paper introduces a contolled Petri net for modeling the concurrent discrete event system .

  13. 论文是基于受控Petri网的离散事件系统的建模与仿真。

    The article is about modeling and simulation of the discrete event system based on controlled petri nets .

  14. 从离散事件系统模型看扰动对FMS的影响

    The Effect of Disturbance on FMS & A Study of Discrete Event Systems

  15. Petri网作为离散事件系统建模、性能分析及控制的数学图形工具,已有广泛应用。

    Petri Net has been widely used in modeling , performance analysis and control aspects as mathematics and figure tools .

  16. 广义随机Petri网在离散事件系统的性能分析中得到广泛应用。

    Generalized Stochastic Petri Net ( GSPN ) has been widely applied to the performance analysis of discrete event systems .

  17. 讨论基于自动机/形式语言模型的离散事件系统(DES)的可测性问题。

    Detectability of Discrete Event Systems ( DES ) based on automata / languages is studied .

  18. 本文提出的利用有色Petri网控制离散事件系统的方法,不但实现了或逻辑形式的约束,而且允许Petri网中的所有变迁都可以并发。

    In this paper , a control method for discrete event systems ( DES ) based on colored Petri nets is proposed .

  19. 运用离散事件系统仿真的理论,建立了集装箱码头物流系统排队网络模型,并运用仿真软件Arena进行建模实现。

    Then a queuing network model of the system is established , using the Rockwell Arena for discrete-event simulation .

  20. 利用Petri网的抑制弧实现离散事件系统的监控是离散事件系统监控理论的一个新进展。

    New progress in the supervisory control theory of discrete event systems is the control of the system using inhibitor arc of Petri nets .

  21. 离散事件系统VIS的展现方法、交互方式及概念框架

    The Display Methods , Interaction Approaches and Conceptual Frameworks for Discrete Event Visual Interactive Simulation

  22. 柔性制造系统作为一种典型的离散事件系统是Petri网的一个重要应用领域。

    As a typical discrete event system , the flexible manufacturing systems ( FMS ) are one of the important application fields of Petri nets .

  23. 提出了一种新的基于离散事件系统(DES)的单跑道地面等待数学模型。

    A new single runway ground-holding problem ( GHP ) model based on discrete-event system ( DES ) was presented .

  24. Petri网是针对离散事件系统建模而发展起来的理论,能较确切地反映离散事件系统的事件行为和状态转换过程。

    Petri Net is a theory developed for modeling Discrete Event Systems , which can reflect event behaviors and states switch of Discrete Event Systems explicitly .

  25. 应用离散事件系统仿真的基本理论和方法,借助循环队列数据类型,采用VISUALBASIC语言对银行业务中的排队问题进行了模拟设计。

    In this paper , simulation of the bank operation was conducted by using the basic theories and method of dispersed incident and system simulation , the data type of queue in data structure and Visual Basic language .

  26. 基于RW框架的离散事件系统监督控制理论计算和仿真平台

    Computation and Simulation Platform for Supervisory Control of Discrete Event System based on RW Structure

  27. 分析研究了RW监控器控制理论方法及其对离散事件系统监控设计。

    RW supervisor control theory and approaches for discrete event systems closed-loop control is studied .

  28. 本文在综合分析了现有各种仿真语言的基础上,应用离散事件系统仿真的基本理论和方法,利用VISUALBASIC语言对林业企业中的加工问题进行了仿真程序设计。

    Based on analyzing various kinds of simulation languages appearing on the market now , the paper uses discrete event system theories and methods of simulation to program the procedure of the jobshop problem of forestry enterprises by applying the Visual basic language .

  29. 系统描述是系统仿真的基础,离散事件系统一般采用有限状态机、Petri网等方法进行描述,这些方法具有知识表示较复杂、系统维护较困难等缺点。

    System description is the base for system simulation . Limited status machine and Petri network are usually adopted which is characterized by complex expression of knowledge and difficulty in system maintaining .

  30. 近年来发展的离散事件系统(DES)为数模混合电路中数字信号和模拟信号提供了一种统一的测试方法,而求取电路的最小测试集一直是该研究领域的重点和难点。

    Discrete Event System ( DES ) theory provides a uniform , systemic and efficient method for testing the digital and analog signals in the mixed-signal circuits .