
  • 网络offshoring
  1. 套管钻井技术在我国海上钻井作业中的应用人民币离岸经营问题探讨

    Application of Casing Drilling Technique in the China Offshore Operation

  2. 货币离岸经营后,脱离了货币发行国的监管,金融效率和风险都相应提高。

    Considering that money easily goes beyond the issuer 's regulation when it is operated abroad , financial efficiency must be raised as financial risk rises .

  3. 我国商业银行离岸业务经营策略研究

    Research on the Offshore Business Strategy of Chinese Commercial Banks

  4. 离岸市场是经营境外货币存、贷业务的市场,它在推进国际金融一体化的过程中发挥了巨大的作用,现已发展成为国际金融市场的重要组成部分。

    Off-shore market , an important part of the international financial market , is a market for doing deposit and loan business of foreign currency . It plays a significant role in the international finance integration .

  5. 防范离岸公司不正当经营之对策

    Be on Guard against Offshore Company