
hé zuò jīnɡ yínɡ
  • Cooperative operation;cooperative management;cooperative business operation
  1. 乡镇卫生院合作经营制改革存在的问题及对策

    Issues exiting in the reform on the cooperative business operation system of township public health centers and its countermeasures

  2. 目的探讨乡镇卫生院合作经营制改革的措施,综合评价改制的成效。

    Objective To explore measures for the reform of the cooperative business operation system of township public health centers and evaluate in a comprehensive way the results of the reform .

  3. 这家饭店是合作经营的。

    The restaurant is run as a co-operative .

  4. 第八十五条中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业、外资企业使用土地的,适用本法;

    Article 85 This law applies to the use of land by Sino-foreign joint and cooperative ventures , and wholly foreign-owned enterprises .

  5. Afa是一个非营利性艺术组织,致力于合作经营与当地企业和利用澳门的文化和创意产业。

    AFA is a non-profit art organisation dedicated to co-operating with local enterprises and exploiting Macau 's cultural and creative industries .

  6. 与ISP(如AOL或MSN)或大型门户网站(如Yahoo)合作经营,合作者作为联网游戏的聚合站,通过他们的顾客群提供了广泛的展示。

    Partnership with an ISP such as AOL or MSN , or a major portal such as Yahoo !, where the partner acts as an aggregator for online games , and offers wide exposure through their customer base .

  7. 这座酒庄是与澳大利亚酿酒师兰斯·摩塞尔(LenzMoser)合作经营的,张裕公司在中国各地共建造了六座类似的城堡,希望能够吸引开始享受起西式度假模式的中国中产阶级人士前来,这座酒庄是其中最新的一座。

    Run in partnership with the Austrian winemaker Lenz Moser , it is the latest of six castles that Changyu has built around China to draw middle-class Chinese who have begun to enjoy Western-style vacations .

  8. 论农民合作经营组织的创新与发展

    Discuss on the innovation and development of farmer 's cooperative organization

  9. 第四,要进一步完善林业合作经营制度供给体系。

    Fourth , to further perfect forestry cooperatives ' system supply .

  10. 合作经营制度,是农业产业化中家庭经营的制度资源补充。

    The cooperative management system is a supplementary to family-management system .

  11. 如果说我们不是在合作经营,那我们是竞争对手吗?

    If we are not in business together , are we competitors ?

  12. 它是更充分利用土地资源的农业合作经营组织形式。

    It was agricultural cooperation operation form which fuller used land resources .

  13. 农业合作经营、新型农村工业化和制度创新

    Agricultural Cooperative Operation , New Industrialization of Rural Area and System Innovation

  14. 乡镇卫生院实行合作经营的可行性研究

    A Study on the Feasibility of Practising Cooperative Management in Township Hospital

  15. 对合作经营产生浓厚兴趣的管理者。

    A director who takes active interest in corporate operations .

  16. 完善农村合作经营体制,建设社会主义新农村

    Improve Agriculture Cooperation Running System to Build New Socialism Countryside

  17. 中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法

    Law of the people 's Republic of China on Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures

  18. 共同建立一家合作经营企业,对吉林省内的油页岩资源进行勘探与开发。

    Joint venture to explore and develop oil shale resources in Jilin Province .

  19. 第二阶段即是1953-1955年的农业合作社阶段,土地农民所有,互助合作经营。

    The second stage ( 1953 & 1955 ) was the agricultural cooperative .

  20. 中外合作经营企业之法律分析

    Legislative Analysis of Sino & Foreign Cooperative Business

  21. 小规模林地合作经营趋势与国外经验借鉴

    Small-scale Forest Land Cooperative Trends and Foreign Experience

  22. 合作经营分成模式的数学模型及优化方法

    The Mathematical Model and Its Optimal Method of the Percentage Allotment Pattern in Cooperative Management

  23. 北朝鲜还关闭了边境地区和南朝鲜合作经营的工厂。

    The North also closed the border-area factory that it operates jointly with the South .

  24. 论林业股份合作经营

    About Joint Stock Management of Forestry

  25. 那合作经营已散伙了。

    The partnership has broken apart .

  26. 扶持建立农业合作经营组织,促进已得温饱农户发展农业产业化经营;

    The low-income households should develop industrialized agricultural business by encouraging and establishing cooperative operation organizations ;

  27. 这是与他人沟通、合作经营以及合伙投资的有利征兆。

    This is a positive sign for linking with others , business partnerships and joint ventures .

  28. 农户合作经营与农业产业化

    The Farmers Cooperation and Agricultural Industry

  29. 申请中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业和外资企业

    Those who apply for establishing Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures , Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures or foreign-capital enterprises

  30. 通过构建逻辑斯蒂回归模型,分析影响私有林合作经营意愿的因素。

    Logistic method is a nonlinear regression analysis method , which is based on the Logistic model .