
hé huǒ jīnɡ yínɡ
  • pool;go shares;run a business in partnership
  • pool;partnership business;partnership operation
  1. 借款人应将贷款用作自谋职业、自主创业或合伙经营和组织起来就业的开办经费和流动资金。

    Borrower should use loan as seek oneself profession , own do poineering work or pool and the open funds that organize obtain employment and circulating fund .

  2. 隋唐以后,合伙经营更为流行。

    After Sui and Tang dynasty , going into partnership business was more popular .

  3. 我为扩展,即日起在上述地址与J。先生合伙经营,该公司现已并入我的名下。

    With a view to further extending my operations , I have this day entered into partnership with Mr.J. , of the above address , whose business will henceforth be amalgameted with mine .

  4. 16、下列签名者通知各位:经协商,我们与RP先生合伙经营的RP公司于上述日期宣告解散。

    16 . We , the undersigned , inform you that the partnership lately existing between us and Mr. R.P. , under the style of Messrs. R.P. & Co. , has been dissolved by mutual consent , as from the above date .

  5. 走合伙经营的道路,能办成许多事。

    A Business partnership can accomplish quite a lot of things .

  6. 清中叶陕西工商业的合伙经营

    Industrial and Commercial Partnership during Middle Period of Qing Dynasty

  7. 她和妹妹合股经营[他们合伙经营].

    She worked in partnership with her sister / They worked in partnership

  8. 兄弟俩合伙经营一家服装店。

    The two Brothers run a clothes shop together .

  9. 她和妹妹合股经营[他们合伙经营]。

    She worked in partnership with her sister / They worked in partnership .

  10. 3.兄弟俩合伙经营一家服装店。4.

    e.g.The two brothers run a clothes shop together .

  11. 合伙经营积累的财产,归合伙人共有。

    The property accumulated in a partnership operation shall belong to all the partners .

  12. 中国则允许外国汽车制造商进入,但条件是他们必须与本国汽车制造商合伙经营。

    China let in the foreign carmakers , but on condition that they worked with local partners .

  13. 这两位朋友决定一起购买一家糖果店来合伙经营。

    The two friends decided to go in cahoots in business by buying a candy store together .

  14. 山西省跆拳道馆大部分是属于私人经营和合伙经营性质,场地大部分是租赁的。

    Taekwondo Halls of Shanxi Province are individual businesses and partnerships nature . Most of the venues are leases . 2 .

  15. 合伙人投入的财产,由合伙人统一管理和使用。合伙经营积累的财产,归合伙人共有。

    The property provided By the partners shall Be under their unified management and use . The property accumulated in a partnership operation shall belong to all the partners .

  16. 几千年来,我国一直传颂着管仲和鲍叔牙合伙经营,鲍让利于管的佳话。

    Several thousands of years , it is said that Guan Zhong and Bao Shuya had gone into partnership management and Bao Shuya gave his benefits to Guan Zhong in our country .

  17. 伯来克先生与勃朗先生合伙经营的黑褐公司经双方同意宣告解散,特此通知。

    Notice is hereby given that the copartnership which has existed between Mr. Black and Mr. Brown under the style of Black , Brown & Co. , has been dissolved by agreement .

  18. 那些扩张的世袭联合企业利用关系解决信任的缺乏问题,利用关系合伙经营、共同筹资,因为提供这些资源的外部市场运转得并不好。

    Hereditary conglomerates , which use the bonds of kin to deal with a shortage of trust , and pool their managers and capital because the outside markets for these resources do not work well .

  19. 在清代,不仅民间日用杂书中已有合伙经营例子出现,而且合伙合同的使用也进入了社会规范化的阶段。

    , At Qing dynasty , not only it had already appeared the business example of the " go into partnership " in the miscellaneous book , but also making contract of partnership had been turned to social norm stage .

  20. 有限合伙的经营活动比公司的经营活动更具有保密性;

    The management activity of the limited partnership compares the management activity of the company to even have the confidentiality ;

  21. 第三十四条个人合伙的经营活动,由合伙人共同决定,合伙人有执行和监督的权利。

    Article 34 The operational activities of an individual partnership shall be decided jointly by the partners , who each shall have the right to carry out and supervise those activities . The partners may elect a responsible person .

  22. 在90年代,兄弟二人合伙建立并经营ImarkTechnologies公司,这家在纳斯达克上市的公司籍籍无名,大卫在书中的自传部分提到自己曾在这家公司担任的首席执行官。

    Also in the1990s , the brothers co-founded and ran Imark Technologies , the unnamed " Nasdaq-listed company " in which David 's book biography mentions he was CEO .

  23. 团体机构也可以建立合伙关系合资经营。

    Organisations can also enter into partnerships to undertake joint ventures .

  24. 通过合伙企业提高经营质量业绩:来自菲律宾的经验

    Enhancing business quality performance through partnerships : the Philippine experience

  25. 我和他合伙,我们经营得都还不错。

    I closed with her , and we drove on our business pretty well .

  26. 分支机构的经营范围不得超出外商投资合伙企业的经营范围。

    The scope of business of the branch office may not exceed the scope of business of the foreign-funded partnership enterprise .

  27. 它既保留了合伙特有的经营灵活性,又享有有限责任的保护,大多数情况下有限责任合伙人只对自己不当行为承担个人责任,而对其他债务则承担有限责任。

    It retained form partnership the unique management flexibility , also enjoyed the limited liability protection , in majority situations limited liability partner only to oneself not , when the behavior undertook the personal liability , but undertook the limited liability to other debts .

  28. 被聘任的合伙企业的经营管理人员,超越合伙企业授权范围从事经营活动,或者因故意或者重大过失,给合伙企业造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任。

    Where an appointed management personnel causes loss to the partnership as a result of conducting business beyond the scope authorized by the partnership , or due to his willful misconduct or gross negligence , he shall be liable for damages in accordance with the law .

  29. 尽管我们的组织登记为公司,但我们是以合伙的心态来经营。

    Although our form is corporate , our attitude is partnership .

  30. 合伙协议可以载明合伙企业的经营期限和合伙人争议的解决方式。

    The partnership agreement may prescribe a term for the partnership and the method for the resolution of dispute among the partners .