
  • 网络agent;Service Agent;Service Proxy;service broker
  1. 一些像UDDI和WS-Trust的SOA技术提出了第三种角色,叫做服务代理(servicebroker)。

    Some SOA technologies , like UDDI and WS-Trust , introduce a third role called a service broker .

  2. 可选的服务代理(例如统一描述、发现和集成(UnivesalDescription,DiscoveryandIntegration,UDDI)注册中心也可能是需要的。

    Optionally , a service broker , for example a Univesal Description , Discovery and Integration ( UDDI ) registry , might be involved .

  3. 单击Web服务代理上的Policy选项卡。

    Click on the Policy tab on the Web service proxy .

  4. 将显示Web服务代理配置页。

    The Web Service Proxy configuration page appears .

  5. 假设在加密soap:Body时Web服务代理将自动解密消息。

    Given Web Service Proxy will auto-decrypt the message when soap : Body is encrypted .

  6. 通过前端处理程序将Web服务代理配置为了Web服务端点。

    A web service proxy was configured to become the web service endpoint via a Front End Handler .

  7. 最后一步是修改客户机应用程序,以使用生成的新Web服务代理。

    The last step is to modify the client application to use the generated new Web server proxy .

  8. 确保Java服务代理工作正确。

    Ensure that the Java service proxy works correctly .

  9. 将XSL转换添加到Web服务代理策略窗口。

    Add an XSL transformation to the Web service proxy policy window .

  10. 最后,他们描述了使用流程Web客户端进行流程测试以及如何通过服务代理访问流程。

    Finally , they described process testing using the process Web client and how to access the process through a service proxy .

  11. 面向对象Petri网及其在告警服务代理软件中的应用

    Object-Oriented Petri Net Model and Its Application in Alert Agent System

  12. 同时本文在原有面向Agent的分布式主动数据库框架的研究基础上,将语义服务代理引入数据库框架中,研究面向Agent的分布式主动数据库的语义服务。

    And more , this paper brings the semantic service agent into the distributed and active database system based on Agent-orient method .

  13. 此示例的Web服务代理配置具有配置为使用所需端口的HTTP前端。

    The web service proxy configuration for this example has a HTTP front end configured for the desired port .

  14. 研究一种用于分析HTML文档的信息服务代理模型。

    We study an information service agent model for the analysis of HTML documents .

  15. 过程与先前的测试完全一样,尽管我们修改了定制代码,以使用Web服务代理客户端。

    The procedure was exactly the same as in the previous test , although we modified the custom code to use the Web service proxy client .

  16. 为此,在创建Web服务代理之前,请使用文件管理实用工具将这些文件上传到本地文件夹。

    To do this , use the File Management utility to upload these files in the local folder before the creation of the Web service proxy .

  17. 信息总线的核心是图书馆服务代理LSP(LibraryServiceProxy),它是客户与异构信息源相交互的中介机构。

    As the core of information bus , library service proxy is a bridge between users and information resources .

  18. 我们想用一个同步JAX-WSweb服务代理客户机来测试这个服务实现。

    We want to test the service implementation using a synchronous JAX-WS web service proxy client .

  19. 从DOS命令行执行以下命令,就会生成一个COmniFindWeb服务代理客户机

    The following statement , executed from a DOS command prompt , generates a C # OmniFind Web services proxy client

  20. 在此示例中,将根据需要创建crypto对象,并配置Web服务代理。

    In this example , the crypto objects are created as needed while configuring the web service proxy .

  21. 在可以创建web服务代理类之前,必须打开文档或加载项目,而且您必须具有完全权限才能在项目中创建类。

    You must open a document or load a project before you can create web service proxy classes , and you must have full permissions to create classes in the project .

  22. 客户请求将被路由到该Web服务代理,这样安全策略将强制服务消息在服务事务调用期间添加消息保护。

    Clients request will be routed to the web service proxy so that the message of service will be enforced to add message protection by security policy during the service transaction call .

  23. 它从RationalPerformanceTester定制代码特性从Web服务代理那里请求随机作者名称开始,从Web服务那里取回一个名称。

    It begins with the Rational Performance Tester Custom Code feature requesting a random author name from the Web service proxy , which fetches a name from the Web service .

  24. 对于本例,我们使用了web服务代理以及此设备的转换功能来启用对我们web服务应用程序的一个JSON接口。

    For our case , we utilized the web service proxy and transformation capabilities of the appliance to enable a JSON interface to our web service application .

  25. 接下来,您需要选择JAX-WSweb服务代理类名称和Java到WSDL映射样式的默认值。

    Next you need to choose the defaults for the JAX-WS web service delegate class name and the Java to WSDL mapping style .

  26. 为服务代理的接口建模使其模型与服务提供者定义的WSDL操作相匹配很重要。

    It 's important to model the interface of the service proxy to match the WSDL operations defined by the service provider .

  27. 但是,目前可用来使客户机端服务代理生成过程自动化的IDE和其它Web服务工具一般只支持请求/响应模型。

    However , the IDEs and other web services tooling currently available to automate the generation of client-side service proxies typically only support the request / response model .

  28. 电子服务代理(ElectronicServiceAgent,ESA)是在服务器后台运行的代理,将检测和报告计算机上安装的设备和软件。

    The Electronic Service Agent ( ESA ) is an agent that runs in the background on the server , and detects and reports on equipment and software installed on the computer .

  29. 在建立服务代理的功能模型的基础上,构造了一种基于多移动Agent的个性化数字学习(E-Learning)框架模型,阐述了其工作流程并进行了结构分析;

    After establishing a model of the services agent , the paper constructs a framework model of personally E-Learning based on mobile agents and expresses its workflow and structures .

  30. 本小节中我们描述了为POJO创建ESB服务代理的主要步骤,开发者可以按照这些步骤来操作。

    Here we describe the major steps that a developer would follow to create the ESB Service Proxy to a POJO .