
  • 网络Service-oriented government;service government
  1. 在WTO框架下构建公共服务型政府

    Construction of Public and Service Government under the Framer of WTO

  2. 乡镇卫生院发展与公共服务型政府建设&以内蒙古EQ旗A镇卫生院为例

    Rural Community Hospital Development and Public Service Government Construction : An Example from Inner Mongolia

  3. 转变政府职能,深化简政放权,创新监管方式,增强政府公信力和执行力,建设人民满意的服务型政府。

    The government needs to transform its functions , further streamline capacity , building itself into a service-oriented government able to satisfy the needs of the people .

  4. 而MPA课程中的现代公共管理、服务型政府构建、学习型组织,组织文化制度化建设等原理为解决这些问题提供了理论依据。

    The theories in MPA courses on modern public management , service-oriented government construction , studying organization , organization culture and systematic construction provide theoretical basis to settle these problems .

  5. 公共物品供给的PFI路径与服务型政府制度创新&以上海公路建设为例

    The PFI Supply of Public Goods and the Institutional Innovation of Service-Oriented Government : Taking Shanghai Roads Construction as an Example

  6. 在倡导服务型政府的今天,行政允诺在行政活动中被广泛的运用。

    The administration commitment is widespread utilization in the administrative activity .

  7. 以服务型政府为导向的公务员绩效评估体系研究

    Study on Public Servants Performance Appraisal System Guided by Service-Oriented Government

  8. 健全政务公开体系建设服务型政府

    Perfect Government Affair Opening System and Set up Service Type Government

  9. 与公众无缝隙接触的服务型政府的构建

    Building Service Type Government That Having no Barrier with the Public

  10. 公共服务型政府与公共服务的有效供给

    The government of public service and supply of effective public service

  11. 因此,服务型政府需要政府全面创新。

    Therefore , the service government needs the government total innovation .

  12. 服务型政府导向与大理滇西中心城市建设

    Service-Oriented Government Vs Dali as a Central City of West Yunnan

  13. 政府雇员制的运行困境与服务型政府的构建

    The Puzzledom of Government Employee System and Construction of Service Government

  14. 服务型政府:主体间互动的分析视角

    Service Government : Perspective from the Interaction Between the Main Bodies

  15. 浅析服务型政府建设的目标和路径选择

    Simple Analysis on the Target and Path of Service-oriented Government Construction

  16. 马克思主义政府理论视域下的服务型政府职能研究

    Research on the Service-oriented Government Functions Guided by Marxist Governmental Theory

  17. 我国当代公共服务型政府的实现路径研究

    Study on Realization Approach of the Public Service Government in Our Country

  18. 建设服务型政府的公共伦理视角

    The Public Ethics Visual Angle of Building the Service Government

  19. 论服务型政府的行政领导力提升

    Discussions on how to promote the administration leading capability of service governments

  20. 立足制度创新推进服务型政府建设

    The Service-type Government 's Construction Based on the System Innovation

  21. 公共服务型政府和公共财政体制

    The Government of Public Service Type and Public Financial System

  22. 财政支出绩效管理:合格公共服务型政府的要求

    Finance Payout Performance Management Requirement to Qualified Public Service Government

  23. 服务型政府就是以全心全意为人民服务为宗旨的政府。

    A service-type government aims to serve the people wholeheartedly .

  24. 基于科学发展观的政府再造&创建服务型政府浅论

    Government Reconstruction Based on Scientific Development View : Service-typed Government

  25. 广西柳州构建公共服务型政府研究

    The Study on Public Service Oriented Government of LiuZhou GuangXi

  26. 传统管制型政府的价值缺失与服务型政府建设

    The Value Deficiency of Control-oriented Government and the Construction of Service-type Government

  27. 以服务型政府为导向创新构建地方财政体制

    On Innovating Local Financial System with " Service-Oriented Government " as Guideline

  28. 服务型政府人力资源管理价值体系的构建

    Building the Value System of Human Resource Management in the Service-oriented Government

  29. 地方服务型政府构建的限制性因素及其规避路径

    Restrictive factors and circumvention of local service-oriented government 's strategic

  30. 市场经济视野下服务型政府建设的战略思考

    Strategic Reflections on Building a Service-oriented Government in Market Economy