
  • 网络Non exclusivity;nonexclusive;Non-excludability;non-excludable;nonexcludability
  1. 非排他性是公共货物的特征。

    Non-excludability is a characteristic of public goods .

  2. 城市轨道交通的经济学理论基础是公共物品理论,但城市轨道又不同于纯粹的公共物品,它具有部分的非排他性以及部分的非竞争性,属于准公共物品。

    But the urban rail transit is not pure public goods but quasi-public goods which has some non-excludability and some non-competition .

  3. CC世界范围的,非排他性的,免版税许可,复制,发布和分发此类内容的CO。

    CC a worldwide , non-exclusive , royalty-free license to reproduce , publish and distribute such Content on CO.

  4. 双方随后同意将调查延长三周,但是在非排他性的基础上。

    A three-week extension was agreed but on a non-exclusive basis .

  5. 该许可具有非排他性、不可转让和时效性。

    The licence is non-exclusive , non-transferable and time limited .

  6. 合同双方服从新加坡法院的非排他性管辖权。

    The parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Singapore .

  7. 公共商品是同时具有非排他性和非竞争性的商品。

    Public goods are those possess the features of both non-excludable and non-rival .

  8. 世界卫生组织翻译和出版协议系非排他性。

    WHO translation and publishing agreements are non-exclusive .

  9. 基础教育经费投入属于“提供公共财”,具有非排他性、非竞争性和非盈利特点。

    Elementary educational fund , which belongs to public property , is nonexclusive , noncompetitive and nonprofit-making .

  10. 城市垃圾非排他性决定了政府有义务提供这项服务。

    The non-exclusiveness of the household garbage in a city decides that the government provide the service .

  11. 水权的特征主要表现在非排他性、分离性、外部性、交易的不平衡性上。

    Features of water right present mainly in its non-exclusiveness , separateness , externality and unbalance of trade .

  12. 新亚洲主义应该是一种以非排他性,非保护主义,不与特定政党作对为特征的区域开放主义。

    Neo-Asianism should be an open regionalism characterized by non-exclusiveness , non-protectionism and non-directing against a given party .

  13. 财产权二元体系新论&以排他性财产权与非排他性财产权的区分为视角

    Novel Analysis of Binary System of Property : From the Perspective of the Division of Exclusive Property and Nonexclusive Property

  14. 中国国有商业银行业潜藏着不容忽视的金融风险,这种迅速成长扩散的风险根植于国有商业银行产权的不可分性、非排他性和不可转让性。

    There is large risk in Chinese state-owned commercial bank , which rootstock is the title character of state-owned commercial bank .

  15. 我们授予您有关进入和个人使用本网站的有限的、可撤销的、且非排他性的许可。

    We grant you a limited , revocable , and non-exclusive licence to access and make personal use of the Site .

  16. 在市场经济领域中,公共卫生服务产品的非排他性、非竞争性,造成公共卫生资源利用效率低。

    In the economic market , the non-exclusive and non-competitive public health services'products lead to an inefficient using of public health resources .

  17. 由于公共租赁住房具有非排他性,是准公共物品,因此政府是公共租赁住房的主要供给主体。

    Because public rental housing is non-exclusive and quasi-public goods , the government is the main body in supply of public rental housing .

  18. 根据刑法中规定的身份犯的犯罪构成要件的内容是否要求具有特定身份之主体去亲自实施,可以将身份犯划分为排他性身份犯和非排他性身份犯。

    It can be classified into personal status crime and non-personal status crime by the constitutive elements of status crime provided in criminal law .

  19. 本月以来,伦敦市场金属价格的涨幅约为13%,这也增强了非排他性债权和股权出售的理由。

    Metals prices in London are up about 13 per cent this month , strengthening the case for non-exclusive sales of debt and equity .

  20. 在存在公共区域和巨额监督成本的条件下,垃圾处理服务具有非排他性,因而应被纳入政府职能范围;

    Garbage disposal service is non-exclusive because there are public areas and large amount of monitor cost and so the government is responsible for it .

  21. 区域品牌具有非排他性、持续的品牌效应,不仅可以推动区域产业的整体发展,还可以带动相关上下游产业的加速发展。

    The regional brands have their constant brand effects , . They may impel the integral development of regional industry and accelerate the development of related industries .

  22. 内公外私产权是组织对内建立非排他性公有契约,对外建立排他性私人契约的产权形式。

    The internally-public-externally-private property is a kind of equity formed by internally establishing a non-exclusive public agreement and externally establishing an exclusive private agreement by an organization .

  23. 著作权质押具有非排他性、价值权性、非转移占有性、人身权性,因此有必要构建符合自身特点的著作权质押体系。

    Because the pledge of copyright is non-exclusive , valuable , non-transferable and personal nature , so it is crucial to build a practicable pledge of copyright loan system .

  24. 由于课程在线资源具有同质性、非排他性,不同学习者可获得相同质量和数量的课程资源;但学习者在不同时间、不同地点获得的网络教育支持服务是存在差异的。

    Due to the online course resources ' inclusiveness and homogeneity , all students are able to access the online studying service with exactly the same quality and quantity .

  25. 作为公共服务的重要组成部分,农村公共服务和产品也具有效用的不可分割性、非排他性和非竞争性。

    As the public service important constituent , the countryside public service and the product also have certain effectiveness inalienable , the non - exclusiveness and the non - competitiveness .

  26. 公共物品消费过程中所具有的非排他性和非竞争性特点,导致市场在提供公共物品时出现失灵现象,在这种情况下,政府成为公共物品的唯一提供者。

    Because of public goods ' two characteristics , non-excludability and non-rivalry , the market cannot provide it efficiently , the government become the sole providers in the public goods market .

  27. 公共池塘资源就是同时具有非排他性和竞争性的物品,是一种人们共同使用整个资源系统但分别享用资源单位的公共资源。

    The common-pool resources refer to the goods with both excludability and rivalry . They are the common resources commonly shared by people in a whole system but shared privately as specific units .

  28. 本文认为:公共物品的公益性、非排他性、非竞争性、不可分性等特征以及人们对公共物品需求的差异性,要求公共物品的多元供给。

    The features of public goods , that are commonweal , non-exclusive , non-competitive , indivisible and difference of people 's demands on public goods , require the pluralistic supply of public goods .

  29. 本文研究的基本思路是:(1)根据排他性和非排他性,竞争性和非竞争性两个基本标准,将城市公共交通所提供的服务,定性为准公共商品。

    The basic study arrangment of the essay is : ( 1 ) According to two basic standards , exclusiveness , and competitiveness , the urban public transport is defined as mix public goods .

  30. 所谓的公共物品是具有非排他性和非竞争性的产品和服务,公共物品的这两个特征在市场的失效使得学者们认为只有政府才能够有效提供它们。

    The public goods are the non-excludability and non-competitive products or services , and the failures in the market of the characteristics make the scholars think that only the government can provide them effectively .