
  • 网络non-bankruptcy liquidation
  1. 第一部分为非破产清算的实践及其理论困惑。

    Part I , is about the practice and theory perplexity in non-bankruptcy liquidation .

  2. 公司清算分两种,即破产清算和非破产清算。

    There are two types of enterprise liquidations , bankruptcy liquidation and non-bankruptcy liquidation .

  3. 公司非破产清算是公司法律制度的一个重要内容。

    Corporation liquidation is an important part of the corporation legal system .

  4. 非破产清算发生的原因是解散。

    Non - bankruptcy liquidation results from dissolution .

  5. 公司解散和非破产清算法律制度是公司法制中的一项基本制度。

    Dissolving and non-bankruptcy liquidation are basic systems in the legal system of a company .

  6. 破产清算由破产法规制,非破产清算由《公司法》及其相关法律、法规规范。

    The non-bankruptcy liquidation follows the Company law system and its associated regulations and legal procedures .

  7. 公司非破产清算制度为实现上述目标,是通过规定一系列严密的程序来完成的。本文共分四个部分对公司非破产清算制度进行阐述。

    To achieve these purposes , the system of corporate no-bankruptcy liquidation obeys a strict procedure .

  8. 公司非破产清算制度研究

    Studies on Corporate Non-bankruptcy Liquidation

  9. 民事再审事由研究公司因破产以外的事由解散后,一般情况下都要进入非破产清算程序。

    Reform of the Civil Retrial Reason The liquidation process will be inaugurated when the company goes disbanding .

  10. 本文对公司非破产清算人法律制度问题进行分析探讨,并将我国的非破产清算人制度与国外立法相比较,以期有助于促进我国公司非破产清算制度的进步与完善。

    This article is going to analyze non-bankrupt liquidation and compare the legislations of our country with western countries .

  11. 作为公司非破产清算中重要的责任主体,清算人违反对债权人的清算义务应承担相应的民事责任。

    Then it makes a discussion on the legal obligations and civil liability of liquidators as well as the important constructive conditions of liquidators bearing civil liab .

  12. 根据清算是否受到破产规则约束,清算一般可分为破产清算和公司清算(公司清算又叫非破产清算)。

    According to the company liquidation of whether they are bound by rules of bankruptcy , companies generally can be divided into liquidation and non-bankruptcy liquidation bankruptcy liquidation .

  13. 公司非破产清算作为公司退出市场的必经途径,对于维护股东、债权人及其他利害关系人的利益具有重要作用。

    As a necessary means for the company to withdraw from the market , it plays an important role in protecting the interests of shareholders , creditors , and other parties involved .

  14. 而非破产清算作为公司终止前的一项重要制度,对于了结公司既存法律关系,消灭公司法人资格有着不可替代的作用。

    And as an important standardized system prior to the termination of the company , non-bankruptcy liquidation plays an irreplaceable role in settling the pre-existing legal nexus and elimination of corporate legal personality .

  15. 作为公司法人格存续的最后阶段,公司非破产清算肩负着维护公司各利害关系人的利益平衡,避免因利益不均而引起的纠纷,保证社会经济秩序稳定的重任。

    As the last period of the corporation 's personality , liquidation legal system shoulders the task of protecting benefit balance of the interested party , avoiding the dissension because of benefit balance , and guaranteeing the social and economic order stability .

  16. 非破产清算是指处理因破产、合并或分立原因以外解散的企业法人的各项未了事务,结束以其为中心的一切法律关系,最终消灭企业法人人格的程序。

    Non-bankruptcy liquidation refers to procedures that dispose various unfinished affairs of the dissolved enterprise ( beyond the reasons of bankruptcy , merger or division ), terminate all legal relations centered on it and finally bring the enterprise legal persona to an end .

  17. 尤其在公司非破产清算方面的法律规定,更是少之又少,且由于我国《公司法》产生时市场经济不完善的时代背景,决定了其自身存在无法避免的缺陷。

    In particular , with regard to non-bankruptcy liquidation , relevant regulation turns out to be extremely rare , plus the incomplete market economy system when the " Company Law " was released , all of this has determined its own inevitable existence of the defects .