
  1. 破产重整机构选任模式的比较研究

    A Study by Comparison of Management Organ in Bankruptcy Reorganization

  2. 他们讨论重整金融机构,召开像第二次世界大战后的布雷顿森林会议那样的新会议。布雷顿森林会议确立了新的货币和金融体系。

    They talk about overhauling financial institutions and having a new version of the post World War II Bretton Woods conference that established a new monetary and financial system .

  3. 捻军被清政府平息后,政府通过采取奖叙出力官员和褒奖地方忠烈,重整地方政权机构,完善社会保障等措施,以期恢复地方正常社会秩序。

    After suppressed the Nien , the Qing government rewarded officials and martyrs , reformed of local government institutions , improved social security measures with a view to restore normal social order .

  4. 这些措施是在印度首都遭受一系列爆炸袭击的几天后所宣布的,这些措施实际是重整警察和情报机构的一部分。

    The measures , which are part of a revamp of the police and intelligence apparatus , were announced days after the Indian capital was hit by a series of bomb blasts .

  5. 不管是创造工作岗位、发展经济,还是为了长期发展而重整我们的财政机构,我们有太多的工作要做,可不断出现的边缘政策却不让我们有所作为。

    Whether it 's the work of creating jobs , growing the economy , or getting our fiscal house in order for the long haul , we 've got a lot of work to do-and constant brinksmanship doesn 't let us do it .

  6. 然后通过与重整中债权人自治机构的比较分析,厘清外部监控的边界,同时运用跨学科,多向度的研究方法,探究不同研究背景下重整管理人外部监督机制的价值所在。

    Re-engineering manager with the internal control mechanisms of the comparative analysis , to clarify the external monitor the border , while the use of cross-disciplinary , multi-dimensions research methods to explore the context of different research managers restructure the value of external oversight mechanisms .