
  • 网络debtor in possession
  1. 第三部分:重整人的权利义务。

    Part III : Rights and obligations of trustee .

  2. 研究重整人的法律地位,对厘清重整人的权利和义务具有重要理论意义和实践意义。

    It is meaningful in theory and in practice to study the law status of its .

  3. 关系人会议开会时,重整人及公司负责人应列席备询。

    At the meeting of concerned persons , the reorganizers and responsible persons of the company shall be present to answer inquiries .

  4. 检查人、重整监督人或重整人,执行职务违反法令,致公司受有损害时,对于公司应负赔偿责任。

    An inspector , reorganization supervisor or reorganizer who violates law or ordinance in the performance of his duties , thereby causing loss or damage to the company , shall compensate the company .

  5. 前项董事、监察人于就任后,应会同重整人向主管机关申请登记或变更登记。

    After assuming their offices as directors and supervisors , the directors and supervisors shall , in conjunction with the reorganizers , file an application with the competent authority for registration or for company alteration registration .

  6. 前项交接时,公司董事及经理人,应将有关公司业务及财务之一切账册、文件与公司之一切财产,移交重整人。

    At the time of the aforesaid transfer , the directors and managerial officers of the company shall hand over to the reorganizers all statements and records of accounts and documents relating to the business and finance of the company and all property thereof .