
Detroit 's mayor says bankruptcy for the city will be hard , but ultimately , can help .
The announcement follows an August report in which the Agency predicted more municipal bankruptcies and defaults , warning that some cities are turning to bankruptcies to tackle budget deficits and abandon promises to bondholders .
Municipal borrowers have gotten a lot of bad press this year , with cities like Stockton and San Bernardino in California filing for bankruptcy protection , sparking fears of more to come .
So when the city filed for bankruptcy protection last week , few were surprised .
The Japanese government is proposing to end its guarantee on local government debt in a move that would expose municipalities across Japan to the threat of bankruptcy and their lenders to the risk of default .
Over the summer , bond investors were stunned when three California cities filed for bankruptcy .
Several cities have come close , and only 61 cities and counties have filed in the last six decades .
There were four kinds of people forming the group : Peasants from Hubei or other provinces who were the main part of the dockers , the urban poor people without fixed occupations , bankrupt handicraftsmen , the bamboo and wood porters and pulling ship workers .
It 's a matter of record that there were ten bankruptcies in the town last year .
The crumbling city , once a major American metropolis , now seems doomed to ruin as the automobile industry on which she once depended disappears from the American landscaper .