
  1. 近代以来,传统的货币发行和流通体系遭到破坏,江西出现的多种地方货币导致了货币的发行与流通间的严重脱节,严重影响了城乡贸易和百姓生活。

    The traditional currency 's issue and circulation system in China had been badly damaged since modern time .

  2. 城乡集市贸易市场可以出售中药材,国务院另有规定的除外。

    Chinese crude drugs may be sold at fairs in urban and rural areas , except those otherwise specified by the State Council .

  3. 城乡集市贸易市场不得出售中药材以外的药品持有《药品经营企业许可证》的除外。

    Drugs other than Chinese medicinal materials may not be sold in the trading markets of country towns , unless a " Drug-handling Enterprise Licence " is held .

  4. 背景:随着中国的改革开放和城乡市场贸易的繁荣,集贸市场成为城市富余人员就业和农村剩余劳动力转移的重要经营场所之一。

    Background : With the opening and reforms in China and the prosperity of rural and urban markets , the pedlars ' markets have become important places for jobless citizens and rural surplus labor force to seek employment .

  5. 第二十九条城乡集市贸易的食品卫生管理工作由工商行政管理部门负责,食品卫生监督检验工作由卫生行政部门负责。

    Article 29 The administrative departments of industry and commerce shall be responsible for the control of food hygiene on urban and rural markets ; the administrative departments of public health shall be responsible for the supervision and inspection of food hygiene .

  6. 西欧的城市主要依赖“农业腹地”和“长途贸易”提供粮食,城乡关系和境外贸易都非常重要;

    The western European cities'supply primarily depend on the hinterland and the long-distance trade , the relationship between the city and country and the trade of out-boundary are very important .

  7. 这都是农民贫困和城乡矛盾的缘故,并非农民拒绝工业品和城乡贸易,实行所谓东方文化主义。

    The reason for all this is the peasants ' poverty and the contradictions between town and country ; it is not a matter of their rejecting manufactured goods or trade between town and country in order to uphold the so-called Doctrine of Oriental Culture .