
  1. 但随着城郊经济的快速发展,城郊的生态环境问题也日益突出,并逐步对城乡经济与社会的发展产生强烈的制约作用。

    But , at the same time , rapid economic development along suburban , suburban ecological and environmental problems have become increasingly prominent , and gradually to the urban and rural economic and social development of a strong restraining effect .

  2. 然后讨论城郊经济的它的地位与作用,以及城郊经济发展对于城镇化建设的意义。接下来本文以农村金融的核心问题&农户借贷作为切入点。

    It then discusses the suburban economy , the status and role , as well as peri-urban economic development , the significance of urban construction . Next , this paper discusses the core issue of rural finance-household borrowing as a starting point .

  3. 继而对城郊的经济环境特性进行详细的分析。

    Then has a detailed analysis on the economic environment characteristics .

  4. 以结构调整为主线,写好城郊型经济大文章&联系武鸣县实际谈实现富民兴桂新跨越

    Take Structure Adjustment as the Key Line , Advance Suburban-oriented Economy

  5. 溧阳城郊庄园经济发展模式的实证研究

    Empirical Research on the Developmental Pattern of Manor in Li Yang Outer City

  6. 本文运用系统理论的思想和方法,对城郊型经济的区域经济系统可持续发展的属性、特征及其动态演化规律,进行了比较深入的理论分析。

    The thesis employed system theories and methods to analyze sustainability , characters and dynamically evolutive rules of suburban economical system .

  7. 第五部分总结关于城郊或经济较发达地区建立农村社会养老保险应注意的问题以及发展的方向,力图有助于其他地区农村社会养老保险制度的改进与完善。

    The fifth part sums up the experience and lesson to help to develop and perfect the rural endowment insurance system of other place .

  8. 本文试图将城郊型经济核心能力与竞争优势的积累、持续价值创造以及自身内生成长与城郊型经济的可持续发展相联系,对一系列重要理论问题做出回答。

    The thesis intended to relate accumulation of core competences and competitive advantages , sustainable value creation and endogenetic growth with suburban economical sustainable development .

  9. 唐宋以来,龙湾作为温州城的东部城郊,经济文化不断发展。

    Since the Tang and Song dynasties , Longwan as the eastern outskirts of the city of Wenzhou , economic and cultural continue to develop .

  10. 运用这一概念模型,对城郊型经济自身的可持续发展及其在城乡一体化协调发展中的独特地位和作用,进行了比较深入的刻画和分析。

    Using this model , the thesis described and analyzed sustainable development of suburban economy and its status and function in coordinative development of the urban and the rural .

  11. 指出作为一种特殊的区域经济系统和地域综合体,城郊型经济系统的可持续发展目标一方面内在地蕴含了可持续发展的一般属性,同时也具有自主性、协调共生性、受控性等特定内涵。

    It pointed out that as a particular regional economical system and geographical entity , the sustainable development objective of suburban economical system possessed general attributes of sustainable development , as well as autonomy , coordination and controllability specifically .

  12. 典型城郊型县域经济发展模式探讨&以甘肃省榆中县为例

    Study on the Economic Development Pattern at County Level

  13. 城郊型农村经济框架使乡镇企业呈现良好的发展势头;

    The better development of township enterprises under the rural economy of suburbs-type ;

  14. 武汉市城郊农业的经济分析

    Economic analysis of the suburban agriculture of Wuhan

  15. 城郊型区域经济可持续发展战略探析&以河北省正定县为例

    A strategic study of regional sustainable development of a suburban model & A case study of Zhengding County of Hebei Province

  16. 考虑到旅游、庭院、城郊在库区经济发展中的独特位置,也对这三种经济类型的经济布局做了讨论。

    Considering that travel industry , yard and outskirts economy have a special situation in economy development , it also discuss their development pattern .

  17. 结合河北省正定县建设国家级可持续发展实验区的实际,在现代可持续发展理论的基础上,提出城郊型区域经济可持续发展的目标体系和战略途径。

    Hence , by combining the case study of Zhengding County of Hebei Province aiming at forming a national-level demonstrative region , on basis of theories of sustainable development , this paper proposes a strategic assumption or system of suburban model in perspective of regional sustainable development .

  18. 城郊农村土地生态经济适宜性评价及优化配置研究

    Research on Eco-economic Suitability Evaluation and Optimal Allocation of Suburban Land Resources Use

  19. 在中国,城郊村并不是经济社会发展过程中的短暂现象,而是经济社会发展中长期存在的一种社区类型。

    In China , suburb village is not a brief phenomenon , but a sort of community type existing in the long-standing development of economic society .

  20. 城郊结合部的经济、文化和社会组织具有明显的过渡性和不稳定性,与之相对应的是社会变迁呈现出多样性和复杂性。

    The economy , culture and social organization in this zone have obvious characters of transition and instability . The social vicissitude in this zone presents the form of diversity and complexity .

  21. 在城郊选择一定的形态发展庄园经济,迎合地方发展实际,符合区域经济发展规律,顺应经济发展潮流,研究城郊庄园经济的发展具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。

    The development of manor in outer city meets the needs of local economy according to the developing rule of region economy , fulfilling the tide of economic development . There are important theoretic value and practical significance in studying manor economy in outer city .