
  • 网络urban-rural dual structure;the dual structure of urban and rural areas
  1. 城乡二元结构是制约城乡发展一体化的主要障碍。

    The existing urban-rural dual structure is a main obstacle to integrated development .

  2. 中国城乡二元结构对农民公民权利影响研究

    The Research on Chinese Urban-rural Dual Structure Influence to Farmer Rights of Citizens

  3. 第二章为F区城乡二元结构特征。

    Chapter Two is Features of Dual Structure of Urban and Rural Areas in Fengxian District .

  4. 城乡二元结构与公共分配制度的作用机理分析

    Analysis on Operation Mechanism of Dual Structure with Public Allocation System

  5. 试论城乡二元结构破解与我国当前户籍制度改革

    Chinese Dualistic Economic Structure Transference and Household Register System

  6. 建立有利于逐步改变城乡二元结构的体制

    Building Up the System to Improve the Dual Structure of Town and Country

  7. 上海城乡二元结构的特征与对策研究

    A Research of the Characteristics and the Solutions of Dual Economy in Shanghai

  8. 人口老龄化和城乡二元结构是中低层灵活就业群体养老保险面临的困境。

    The ageing of the population and the dual structure are the difficulties .

  9. 破除城乡二元结构,从体制上保障农民增收

    Breaking the Town-Country Dual Structure & Systematically Guaranteeing the Income Increase for Farmers

  10. 加强政府宏观调控是破解城乡二元结构的关键。

    Government to strengthen macro-control is to break the key to urban-rural dual structure .

  11. 从城乡二元结构看和谐社会的社会公平

    Look at the Social Justice of the Harmonious Society from the Binary Urban-Rural Structure

  12. 城乡二元结构下最低生活保障制度的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis of Minimum Living Standard Security System under the Urban-rural Dual Structure

  13. 中国城乡二元结构与贫富差距

    Dual-structure of Town Country in China and the Gap between the Rich the Poor

  14. 城乡二元结构与农村学前教育

    The Dualistic Structure of Urban and Rural Areas , and Preschool Education in the Countryside

  15. 我国长期存在的城乡二元结构导致根深蒂固的二元用工机制。

    In China Long-standing urban-rural dual structure has led to deep-rooted mechanisms of dual employment .

  16. 我国城乡二元结构的存在,导致社会保障体系出现了明显的二元化特征。

    The existence of the urban-rural dualistic structure leads to the dualistic character of Social Security System .

  17. 高等教育社会角色的置换研究&基于对城乡二元结构转型的理解

    The Transformation of Higher Education 's Social Role Based on the Change in the Urban-Rural Dualistic Structure

  18. 破除城乡二元结构推进和谐社会建设

    Eradicating the Dual Structure in Urban and Rural Areas , Advancing the Construction of a Harmonious Society

  19. 制度障碍是城乡二元结构的主要原因。

    Obstacles to system are the main reasons for the dual structures of urban and rural development .

  20. 改变城乡二元结构,总的思路是深化改革,创新体制机制。

    Changing the urban-rural dual structure , the general idea is to deepen reform and innovative institutional mechanisms .

  21. 我国的城乡二元结构的形成和演变与我国的财政体制有着密切的联系。

    Formation and evolution of binary structure in our country are closely linked with China 's financial system .

  22. 消除城乡二元结构,促进城乡人员双向流动;

    Eliminating the dual rural and urban structure and promoting the two-way flow of rural and urban people ;

  23. 从深层次看,城乡二元结构是造成这一问题的体制性根源。

    Perceived at a profound level , the urban-rural dual structure is the institutional cause of the problem .

  24. 城乡二元结构就是城市和农村分割、分治的体制。

    Urban-rural dual structure is the system about the separation and different governance between urban and rural areas .

  25. 但同时也存在城乡二元结构等急需解决的问题。

    But there are still such problems urgent to solve as the dual structure of city and country .

  26. 随着城乡二元结构的消失,城乡社会保障最终要走向一体化。

    Social Security for urban and rural area Fusion should be fused with the disappearance of the Dual Structure .

  27. 消解城乡二元结构,分阶段推进义务教育均等;

    Secondly , promoting equalization of compulsory education step by step in order to diminish the urban-rural dual structure .

  28. 中国城乡二元结构体制,是在城乡二元户籍基础上形成的资源配置制度。

    The urban-rural dual structure system is a special resource allocation system which based on the urban-rural household registration .

  29. 我国正处于致力突破城乡二元结构,统筹城乡发展的转型时期。

    China has been devoting to breaking urban and rural dual structure , and balancing urban and rural development .

  30. 由于历史原因,城乡二元结构在我国更具有特殊性。

    Due to historical reasons , the binary structure of urban and rural is more specificity in our country .