
  1. 当代中国藏富于民的制度表达及其检讨

    The Expression and Its Review of the Possession of Wealth among the People in Contemporary China

  2. 从传统的人格化交易转变为现代的非人格化交易。第三,国资藏富于民。

    That is to say from the traditional " personal transaction " into modern " impersonal transaction . " Third , distract state-owned wealth to the people .

  3. 作为财政司司长,我同意政府应藏富于民,但与此同时,我亦必须顾及维持货币稳定的需要。

    As financial secretary , I agree that the government should leave wealth with the people . however , I must also take into account the need to maintain the stability of our currency .

  4. 温州浓厚的民营经济氛围、藏富于民的特点以及传统文化中的家乡认同感和互助意识为温州多中心供给机制的实现创造了有利条件。

    A strong private economy atmosphere , the characteristics of leave wealth with the people and the traditional culture in the sense of identity and mutual creates favorable conditions for realization of multi-center supply mechanism in Wenzhou .

  5. 零售业务是商业银行业务的重要组成部分,在经济快速发展,藏富于民的现实条件下,零售业务作为银行利润创造者的地位越来越重要。

    Retail business is a significant part of the commercial bank business . With the rapid economic development and the increasing amount of wealth of people , the retail business , as the creators of bank profits , is becoming increasingly important .