
  • 网络foreign exchange held by the people
  1. 既包括宏观上的制度构建:实施更加灵活的汇率安排,国家只保持最优外汇储备,高于最优水平的外汇稳步推行藏汇于民政策,并在改革国际货币体系的基础上循序渐进推动资本账户开放。

    It not only includes macroscopic system construction : implement more flexible exchange rate arrangements and the state only keeps the optimal foreign exchange reserves , lets private agency hold more foreign exchange and promotes capital account liberalization based on the reform of the international monetary system .

  2. 如何减轻国家储备外汇的压力和成本,变藏汇于国为藏汇于民是政府汇改的一个核心问题。

    How to reduce the pressure and cost of foreign exchange reserves become the core issue of government .

  3. 藏汇于国到藏汇于民的外汇投资渠道探讨

    Probes into Foreign Currency Investment Channels from Stockpiling Foreign Exchange Reserves in State Coffers to Letting Businesses and Individuals Hold More Foreign Currency