
  1. 对出口收汇核销制度的研究

    A Study on the System of the Verification of Export Receipts of Foreign Exchange

  2. 如何避免出口收汇中的风险

    Avoiding Risks in Export Remittance

  3. ·出口收汇核消:对日常出口收汇资料进行整理并定时核消。

    Declare export income : collect and clear up relative export income datum and report to local SAFE .

  4. 该部门的一项职能就是确保客户的出口收汇。

    One function of their division is to ensure that its customers receive payment for the goods that they export .

  5. 出口收汇风险引起的收汇损失不仅使企业利润空间大幅下降,资金周转不灵,财务状况恶化;而且直接影响企业出口贸易的健康发展及其国际竞争力的提高。

    The loss caused by collection risks not only reduces the enterprises ' profits but also directly affects the healthy development of export trade and the improvement of its international competitiveness .

  6. 根据海关总署对货物监管方式的调整情况,国家外汇管理局、海关总署将随时联合调整并公布进出口货物监管方式与出口收汇核销对应关系的分类。

    If GAC adjust modes of trade , SAFE and GAC shall jointly adjust and publish new categories of the relationship between mode of trade and verification of export collection whenever necessary .

  7. 但是,现行出口收汇核销制度作为一项实行近二十年、相对较为成熟、涉及多个管理部门的外汇管理制度,要进行一次根本性的改革,还存在较多的争议和技术问题亟待解决。

    However , the existing verification system has been running for nearly 20 years , a bunch of administrative authorities have been involved , and many disputes and technical problems should be solved before the fundamental reform .

  8. 针对这些影响,根据公司具体情况提出了相关的解决方案,即合理正视人民币升值、完善出口收汇管理、提高产品利润、利用金融工具规避汇率风险、积极实施走出去战略。

    And about these effects , the article offers the correlative settlement , just as envisage RMB appreciation actively , consummate export remit management , add productions profit , use finance tool and make factory or company in other country .

  9. 而复杂的国际贸易环境又使出口收汇风险管理难度不断加大,与此同时由于自身缺陷,传统的融资方式已不能满足出口商的融资需要。

    However , the complicated international-trade circumstance makes it very difficult to control the payment risks of export , and at the same time because of their own defects , the traditional trade finance products cannot satisfy the exporters ' needs .

  10. 对大型煤炭企业出口收汇、进口付汇、外币贷款债务及境外项目投资等业务中的外汇风险进行了定性和定量相结合的估计评价分析。

    It conducts qualitative and quantitative estimation , evaluation and analysis of foreign exchange risks in such business areas as foreign exchange collection for coal exports , foreign exchange payments for coal imports , foreign currency loan debt , and overseas project investment .

  11. 出口企业收汇风险的防范及管理

    International Business Risk Control & Management for Foreign Trade Enterprises

  12. 浅谈出口企业出口收汇风险及其管理

    Discussion on the risks and management of exporting and collecting in export enterprises

  13. 因此,综合分析各种国际结算方式下出口方的收汇风险并对防范相应风险的法律对策进行研究具有必要性。

    Therefore , it 's necessary to analyze the exporters ' accepting risk of various international accounting methods comprehensively and to carry on a research on the law countermeasures of risk precaution .

  14. 国家税务总局国家外汇管理局关于扩大申报出口退税免于提供纸质出口收汇核销单试行出口企业范围的通知

    Circular of the State Administration of Taxation ( SAT ) and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange ( SAFE ) on Expanding the Experimental Coverage of Export Enterprises Exempt from the Requirement of Submission of Paper Verification Certificate of Export Proceeds for Claiming Export Tax Rebates

  15. 从高新企业出口动机、出口技能、出口融资、出口收汇、出口利润、出口风险等角度,全方位提升出口竞争力。

    From the high-tech enterprises to export , export , export financing motivation skills , export , export profits , export risks , enhance the export competitiveness of the full range .

  16. 出口信用保险是政府鼓励并推动本国贸易、保障出口企业收汇安全而建立的政策性保险制度。

    Export credit insurance is an insurance system established as a policy by the government to advance domestic trade , and to guarantee the remittance collection of export enterprises .

  17. 出口信用保险是国家为推动本国的出口贸易,保障出口企业收汇安全而开展的一项政策性保险业务。

    The export guarantee is a policy-type insurance business carried out by the country to promote export trade and to protect the safety of foreign exchange .

  18. 通过对我国近年来钼产品出口状况的分析,找出我国目前钼产品出口量大而收汇并不理想的主要原因并提出改进建议。

    Main reasons of large tonnage of Chinese molybdenum-bearing products exported with unsatisfied payments from buyers are worked out by means of situation analysis of these products exportation in recent years . Suggestions on improvement are put forward .

  19. 本文通过对常州近年出口总体情况的分析和对常州出口格局的剖析,运用实例分析和数据分析的方法,着重阐明短期出口信用保险对常州出口企业的收汇保障功能和贸易融资功能。

    The thesis introduces the general condition of export trade and analyses the export situation in Changzhou . With the case and data analysis , short-term export credit insurance obviously ensures and finances the exporters in Changzhou .

  20. 随着国际市场的不断扩张,出口量的不断增长及外贸业务种类的增加,国际贸易中的不确定因素也随之增多,国内企业所面临的外贸风险也日益凸现,尤以出口收汇风险为重。

    With the continual expansion of international market and the increase in export quantity and business type , the uncertainties in international trade have been increasing consequently and foreign trade risks especially in export collection risks have been becoming increasingly apparent .