
  • 网络cancel after verification
  1. 对出口收汇核销制度的研究

    A Study on the System of the Verification of Export Receipts of Foreign Exchange

  2. 根据海关总署对货物监管方式的调整情况,国家外汇管理局、海关总署将随时联合调整并公布进出口货物监管方式与出口收汇核销对应关系的分类。

    If GAC adjust modes of trade , SAFE and GAC shall jointly adjust and publish new categories of the relationship between mode of trade and verification of export collection whenever necessary .

  3. 但是,现行出口收汇核销制度作为一项实行近二十年、相对较为成熟、涉及多个管理部门的外汇管理制度,要进行一次根本性的改革,还存在较多的争议和技术问题亟待解决。

    However , the existing verification system has been running for nearly 20 years , a bunch of administrative authorities have been involved , and many disputes and technical problems should be solved before the fundamental reform .

  4. 国家税务总局国家外汇管理局关于扩大申报出口退税免于提供纸质出口收汇核销单试行出口企业范围的通知

    Circular of the State Administration of Taxation ( SAT ) and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange ( SAFE ) on Expanding the Experimental Coverage of Export Enterprises Exempt from the Requirement of Submission of Paper Verification Certificate of Export Proceeds for Claiming Export Tax Rebates