
chāo mài
  • Oversold;oversell
  1. 随后,科技博客TheNextWeb的一位读者又发现了“超卖”和“亚马逊”的神秘联系。

    A reader atthe next webreader noticed the " over sold & Amazon " connection .

  2. 输入“超卖”(oversold),搜索结果是亚马逊(Amazon)

    Typing " over sold " brings up Amazon ( AMZN )

  3. 最大外汇对冲基金FXConcepts一直在从事叙利亚里拉兑兰特汇率的交易。该公司相信,里拉有进一步下跌空间,而在周一兰特兑美元汇率跌至3年多来最低水平之后,兰特可能超卖。

    FX Concepts , the largest currency hedge fund , has been trading the lira against the rand in the belief the lira has further to fall while the rand could be oversold after hitting its lowest level in more than three years against the dollar on Monday .

  4. 飞机上的座位超卖了。

    The seats on the plane were oversold .

  5. 此外,在日线图及周线图上,国债孳息均显超卖。

    In addition , treasuries are oversold on both a daily and weekly basis .

  6. 可以成为一个安全买或超卖的一段较长的时间。

    A security can become overbought or oversold for an extended period of time .

  7. 事实上经过近期整理之后,标普短期几乎已超卖。

    In fact , the S & P is nearly short-term oversold following recent consolidation .

  8. 这意味著这一波短期超卖反弹还将持续下去。

    And this suggests that the short-term oversold rebound could turn out to be something bigger .

  9. 如果因为航班超卖你无法登机,你将得到更好的赔偿。

    and to give you better compensation if you got bumped off your flight because it was oversold .

  10. 许多小股累积庞大跌幅,已严重超卖的技术,具有低价格的绝对优势。

    Many small-cap stocks accumulated huge decline , has been seriously oversold technically , has the absolute advantage of low prices .

  11. 专家们的感觉是市场现在已经处于超卖状态,可能在某个时候会出现反弹。

    The feeling among advisers is that the markets have now been oversold and are likely to see a bounce back at some point .

  12. 然而,政府担保的银行债券项目今年即将结束,而投资级市场似乎严重超卖。

    However this year , the programmes of government guarantees for bank debt are coming to an end , and the investment grade market seems very oversold .

  13. 全球企业内部人士意识到,这是一个购买超卖股票的机会,因而纷纷拿出大量资金,支撑对自己公司前景的信心。

    Sensing an opportunity to buy oversold stock , insiders round the globe pulled out their cheque books to back their confidence in the outlook for their companies .

  14. 如今,机构投资者和散户的兴趣正在回归,去年,他们曾退出新兴市场,由于疯狂的避险行为,他们可能已达到超卖状态。

    Now interest is returning from institutional and retail investors who , as they withdrew from emerging markets last year , may have oversold in their frenzy to derisk .

  15. 梁中本指大会无权监管超卖行为,惟有售卖产品的商家酌情处理,维护自己及消费者的权益。

    This refers to the General Assembly , beam no power to monitor oversold behavior , only the sale of products , businesses discretion , to protect their own and the interests of consumers .

  16. 吉利根认为,投资者的最佳选择是长期持有一个相对稳定的投资组合,在他们认为投资组合超买的时候减仓,在感觉超卖的时候增仓。

    Gilligan believes the best option for investors is to hold a relatively stable portfolio for the long term , trim their positions when they believe they are overvalued and increase their positions when they look oversold .

  17. 然而一些分析师指出,可口可乐出价每股12.20港元收购占中国市场份额最大的果汁生产商汇源果汁的计划表明这一行业的股票已处于超卖状态。

    But Coke 's offer of12.20 Hong Kong dollars ( US $ 1.56 ) a share for Huiyuan , China 's largest juice maker by market share , shows that the industry 's shares have been oversold , some analysts say .

  18. 多数受访者称,过去一年里,在投资者放弃所有等级的公司债券,转而青睐政府债券和黄金等最安全、最具流动性的资产之后,高等级公司债券已经超卖。

    A majority of those polled said high-quality corporate bonds had been oversold after investors had abandoned corporate credit of all grades over the past year in favour of the safest and most liquid assets , such as government bonds and gold .