
chāo é rèn ɡòu
  • oversubscription
  1. 他表示:如果没有出现大规模的超额认购,就不会出现围绕IPO的那种疯狂,IPO可能会失败。

    If you don 't get huge oversubscription . you won 't get the same frenzy around IPOs and IPOs might fail , he says .

  2. 那对新人对于婚礼上食物的超额认购感到不好意思。

    The oversubscription of the food to the wedding embarrassed the new couple .

  3. 中国今年的一系列IPO均受到大量超额认购。

    This year 's Chinese IPOs were massively over-subscribed .

  4. 上周,通用的首次公开发行(IPO)获得了超额认购,募集资金逾200亿美元,实现了凤凰涅盘似的重生。

    Last week , an oversubscribed initial public offering raised more than $ 20bn for the phoenix-like comeback .

  5. 黄金热要破灭,可能需要等到一家交易“月球黄金”的电子商务网站首次公开募股(IPO)严重超额认购、募集资金达200亿美元的时候。

    A gold mania probably won 't burst until we see , say , 'GoldontheMoon . com'raise $ 20 billion in a heavily-oversubscribed IPO .

  6. 机构投资者的超额认购已达到5倍,表明这些投资者选择忽略Prada的网络扩张计划,尽管这个计划会削弱利润率。

    That institutions have subscribed for five times the shares available suggests they are ignoring the network expansion , which can only weaken margins .

  7. 两位知情人士透露,普拉达此次IPO仍然进展顺利,因为至少有90%的股票将配售给机构投资者,且此次发行已获得逾4倍的超额认购。

    The IPO is still on track because at least 90 per cent of the shares will be allotted to institutional investors , and the offer is more than four times subscribed , two people familiar with the matter said .

  8. 嘉能可(Glencore)在伦敦获得了4倍超额认购,融得110亿美元,而LinkedIn在纽约交易首日股价便从45美元飙升至120美元。

    Glencore was four times oversubscribed and raised $ 11bn in London , while LinkedIn went from $ 45 to more than $ 120 on its first day of trading in New York .

  9. 届时,这是今年全球规模最大的IPO,获得了30倍的超额认购,在摇号分配股票的过程中冻结了大约3500亿美元的资金,随后在首日上市交易时大涨87%。

    Until this week , it was the largest IPO in the world this year , but it was 30 times oversubscribed , locking up about $ 350bn in funds during the lottery for shares , and then jumped an astounding 87 per cent on the first day of trading .

  10. 上个月,在忠旺询价圈购(book-building)期间,机构账簿超额认购接近3倍,人们真心希望,这家将得益于基础设施支出增加的企业,有望获得一个良好的上市开局。

    During the book-building process for China Zhongwang last month , the institutional book was nearly three times covered and there were real hopes that a company due to benefit from raised infrastructure spending would get off to a solid start .

  11. 此次发行中,散户申购部分获得414倍的超额认购。

    The offering was 414 times subscribed in its retail portion .

  12. 我们听说推特已经获得了30倍的超额认购。

    We had already heard that it was 30 times over-subscribed .

  13. 如出现超额认购,将进行抽签。

    A ballot will be drawn in case of over-subscription .

  14. 为散户安排的股票,得到近48倍超额认购。

    The retail tranche was nearly 48 times covered .

  15. 4亿美元石油公司的股票发行时被超额认购了三倍。

    The $ 400 million oil company share issue was three times oversubscribed .

  16. 年内,发行外汇基金债券的平均超额认购倍数约为2.9倍。

    The average over-subscription rate for the Note issues was about 2.9 times in 1999 .

  17. 承销商还拥有为期30天的选择权,可以最多再超额认购118万股股票。

    Underwriters also have a30-day option to purchase up to1.18 million more shares to cover over-allotments .

  18. 安恩科技上市得到了投资者的热情追捧,获得了63倍的超额认购。

    Investor enthusiasm for the IML offering was overwhelming , with the listing subscribed 63 times .

  19. 散户与机构部分的超额认购分别达到500倍和40倍。

    The retail and institutional tranches were more than 500 times and 40 times subscribed respectively .

  20. 第三批在该板块上市的九家公司的股份被超额认购。

    Shares in nine companies involved in a third round of subscriptions for the board were oversubscribed .

  21. 市场对外汇基金债券的需求仍然殷切,二零零一年的平均超额认购倍数超过四倍。

    Demand for Exchange Fund Notes remained strong , with an average over-subscription rate at over four times in2001 .

  22. 中国神华得到了大约30倍的超额认购,股价在上市首日上涨了大约87%。

    Shenhua Energy was about 30 times oversubscribed and soared by about 87 per cent on its opening trading day .

  23. 据官方的新华社报道,这两只债券都得到三倍以上的超额认购。

    They were both more than three times subscribed , according to the official   Xinhua   news   agency .

  24. 本周,恩颐投资将召开有限合伙人年会,而这只恩颐14号基金很可能获得超额认购。

    NEA is holding its annual limited partner meeting this week , and expects that the fund will end up being oversubscribed .

  25. 林奇表示,继昨日德国债券拍卖受到超额认购之后,交易商将密切关注法国将于今日举行的长债拍卖。

    Mr Lynch said traders would be closely watching coming long-term debt auctions by France today following an oversubscribed German auction yesterday .

  26. 此次发行被超额认购而收益颇高,6年期和10年期的收益率分别为4.5%和5.5%。

    The sale was oversubscribed but yields were high , at4.5 % for the six-year paper and5.5 % for the ten-year bond .

  27. 出现超额认购时,机构投资者受到配给的程度应该是其报告的信号的减函数,即承销商可通过分配更多的股份数量作为激励,鼓励机构投资者发掘并如实报告股票市场价值的有关信息。

    In other word , the underwriter can encourage institutional investors to excavate and truthfully report related information on the market value of IPOs .

  28. 尽管如此,光大证券的上市无疑仍将得到数倍超额认购考虑到券商上市是市场过热的明确信号,这极具讽刺意味。

    Still , Everbright 's issue will doubtless be several times subscribed ironic given that brokerage listings are a sure sign of toppy markets .

  29. 消息人士称,这支基金已获超额认购,不可能接受很多新的有限合伙人(或许根本就不接受)。

    Sources say that the fund is already oversubscribed , and is unlikely to accept many new limited partners ( if any at all ) .

  30. 他表示:我们得到了超额认购。他将此次发行描述为投资者第一次有机会投资于日本报纸行业。

    We had more than enough demand , he says , describing the issue as a first opportunity for market investors to buy into the sector .