
  • 网络industrial finance
  1. 这种互动关系的存在进一步加强了产业金融发展的必要性。

    The interaction further strengthens the necessity to develop industrial finance .

  2. 同时产业金融又是市场金融与政府金融的纽带。

    Industrial finance also serves as the link between free market finance and planned finance .

  3. 构建能源产业金融支持体系的战略思考

    Strategic Thinking on Constructing the Financial Supporting System of Resource Industry

  4. 高新技术产业金融支持体系研究

    Research on Financial Support System of High - tech Industry

  5. 产业金融、综合管理和战略规划领域也都有毕业生加盟。

    Industry finance , general management and strategic planning are also represented .

  6. 我国金融产业金融软件创新的伦理反思

    The Ethical Reflection on the " Financial Software " Innovation in China 's Financial Industry

  7. 关于产业金融的初步研究&兼论我国财务公司改革的一种思路

    The Initial Research on the Industry Finance

  8. 但是由于金融市场失灵始终存在,因此市场并不能完全取代产业金融作用。

    However , free market cannot entirely replace industrial finance because of the existence of market failure .

  9. 环境产业金融支持的框架构建分析基于环境产业资本形成投资效率金融运行的逻辑

    Analysis of the structure building of environmental industry financial support-based on the logic " capital forming-investment efficiency-financial performance "

  10. 本文以产业金融为研究对象,在对产业金融理论进行探索的同时,寻求在转型期中国发展产业金融的对策。

    The thesis provides insight into the theory of industrial finance and seeks countermeasures to the development of industrial finance in transitional China .

  11. 通过金融改进与金融创新,环境产业金融支持成为推进我国环境产业和经济可持续协调发展的战略性机制和基本途径。

    With the help of financial innovation , the financial support for environment industry becomes the fundamental means and strategic measure propelling the sustainable development of environment industry .

  12. 基于绿色电力产业金融需求和金融供给的比较视角,分析了我国绿色电力产业发展的制约因素与瓶颈。

    Based on the comparative perspective of the financial demand and financial supply of green power industry , we analyze the restraint factors and bottleneck of green power development .

  13. 因此,本文试图将宏观金融领域的金融成长思想与产业金融的运行规律结合,搭建一个较为系统的房地产金融成长理论框架和平台,从而为房地产金融的进一步研究提供理论支持。

    So , this dissertation tries to combine the idea of financial maturity with industrial financial running rules and builds a whole platform and structure for real estate finance , so that theoretical support can be given for further real estate financial research .

  14. 对奥运经济现象与发展中国体育金融市场的关系,投资主体,投资环境,投资领域,投资效率和采取的措施进行了分析,认为在奥运经济的影响下,发展中国体育产业金融市场是可行的。

    The paper discusses relations between Olympic economics and development China 's sports industries finance markets , and analysis , adopt ways for investor body , investor environment , investor region , investor beneficial and the author thinks China sports industries finance market is necessity influencing by Olympic economy .

  15. 甘肃省农业产业化金融支持研究

    Study on Financial Support of the Agricultural Industrialization in Gansu Province

  16. 论商业银行对高新技术产业的金融支持

    Research on the Financial Support of Commercial Bank to High-tech Industries

  17. 论高教产业与金融市场的双向互动

    On Higher Education Industry and Financial Market Help Each Other

  18. 第四产业:金融的产业新定位

    The fouth industry : financial industry 's new position

  19. 深圳经济的特色是高技术产业、金融业和第三产业。

    It has an economy featuring high-tech industries , finance and tertiary industries .

  20. 新疆特色农业产业化金融资源配置研究

    Study on the Allocation Mechanism of Financial Resources of Characteristic Agricultural Industrialization in Xinjiang

  21. 高校科技产业的金融支持

    On Financial Support to College High-tech industry

  22. 第三章,上海市房地产业与金融业的发展概况。

    The Chapter ⅲ illustrates the development situation of real estate and finance industry in Shanghai .

  23. 建立在信息革命基础上的网络经济,对传统金融产业和金融理论产生了深刻的影响。

    Internet economy based on the information revolution has affected both the financial industry and theory fundamentally .

  24. 论文首先对房地产业和金融业之间的一般关系进行了理论分析。

    First , the paper analyzes the general relationship between Chinese real estate industry and financial sector .

  25. 至本世纪50年代以后,才转而从事餐馆业、商业、房地产业、金融业等。

    Not until the 1950s did they turn to restaurant business , trading , real estate and finance etc.

  26. 汽车产业在金融危机期间濒临崩溃后,美国汽车业工会就变通了许多。

    US car unions proved much more amenable after their industry all but imploded during the financial crisis .

  27. 上世纪末,席卷东南亚的金融风暴,暴露了发展中国家金融产业和金融体系的脆弱性。

    For example , a great financial crisis broke out in Southeastern Asia at the end of last century .

  28. 其利益与留在欧盟密切相关的金融产业和金融城必须做出表态。

    Big business and the City , whose interests lie solidly inside the EU , need to take a stand .

  29. 一个明显的答案是,英国经济中已崩溃行业(房地产业和金融业)的收入密集程度尤其之高。

    The obvious answer is that the sectors of the UK economy that have collapsed housing and finance are particularly revenue-intensive .

  30. 房地产业与金融业相互依存,房地产业的快速发展得益于金融业的大力支持。

    Being accompanied by financial industry the rapid development of real estate industry benefits from the strong support of the financial industry .