
  • 网络program trade;Program Trading;Algorithmic Trading
  1. 程式交易月度报告通常在每月结束3周后出来。

    Its monthly reports on program trading usually come out about three weeks after each month ends

  2. 在国外,理论界和产业界对程式交易已经有较为系统的理论研究和实践经验。

    In a foreign country , the theory and industry to program trading has more systematic theoretical research and practical experience .

  3. 例句与用法:前些时一个总统授命成立的委员会探究〔股票〕市场的结构,以便找出缺点。结果毛病一箩筐,其中以程式交易为最显著的缺点。

    Earlier a Presidential commission ... probed the market 's structure for defects and came up with a laundry list of weaknesses with program trading in the forefront .

  4. 但是,随着我国市场化程度和对外开放水平的提高,新的投资理念和理财思想不断引进,底层程式交易开发和应用平台等已发展较为完善。

    But , as our country the degree of marketization and raise level of opening up , new investment ideas and financing ideas constantly introduce , bottom program trading development and application platform has developed more perfect .

  5. 另外,量化交易的方法有很多种,运用的知识也是包罗万象,本文主要关注基于技术分析的程式交易策略在期货商品上的开发、测试及应用。

    There arc many kinds of quantitative trading methods , the use of knowledge is also comprehensive . This paper main-ly focus on development , testing and application of program trading strategies , which are based on the technical analysis .

  6. 相对而言,受制于交易标的种类的不足以及监管政策的限制,国内的程式交易才刚刚起步,而且,主要是在股指期货上市以后,才带动了这一投资理念的推广。

    Relatively speaking , subject to the scarcity of transaction and limits of regulatory policy , the program trading is just beginning in domestic , and it is to be promoted mainly because of the listing of Stock index future .

  7. 市场分析的策略模式将演变为更为复杂的金融工程与数据挖掘,利用市场交易的有效性缺陷来获得套利利润,最后将逐步演变为依靠金融技术手段的程式交易。

    The strategy model for market analysis will evolve into more complicated financial engineering and data exploitation , to gain profits by using the defects of efficacy in market transaction , and in the end gradually evolve into program trading which rely on financial technical instruments .

  8. 程式化交易系统的出现为金融衍生品的交易提供了一种有效的手段。

    The emergence of stylized trading systems for financial derivatives trading provides an effective means .

  9. 随着国库体系的重构,建立一个以功能强大的国库会计为重心的全程式集中监控交易的政府会计体系,已提上了公共财政管理改革的日程,其意义极为深远。

    In present reform of public finance management , an important task is to constract a more comprehensive government accounting system that focus on treasury accounting .